Why do we need a school today?

Very often, children in high school refuse to go to school, arguing that they do not understand why they need it. And their parents sometimes can not explain intelligently, for what today the school is necessary. After all, all the necessary information is now very easy to find in the global Internet, and if something is not clear you can hire a tutor.

In this article, let's try to understand what the school gives the child, as a student, and whether it is necessary to study in it or it is possible to do without it.

Who invented the school and why?

The school, as a separate institution, was created a long time ago - at the time of Plato and Aristotle, only it was called differently: lyceum or academy. The creation of such educational institutions was due to the fact that people wanted to gain knowledge or to learn some craft, and within the family they could not do it, so they had to go to school. For a long time, not all schools could walk, and only about 100 years ago all children received the right to receive education, which was recorded in the European Convention on Human Rights.

Why do you need to go to school?

The most important argument, which is explained to children, why it is necessary to go to school, is learning or gaining knowledge. But with the appearance of free access to the Internet, a large number of encyclopedias and cognitive television channels, it ceases to be relevant. At the same time, it is often forgotten that in addition to obtaining certain knowledge, skills and skills, the school performs many more functions: socialization , development of communicative abilities, expansion of the circle of communication, vocational guidance , that is, the formation of a self-sufficient harmonious personality.

Do you need preparation for school?

Many mothers think that it is not necessary to prepare children for school, that this is just a waste of time and energy, and sometimes money. But even if you regularly work with your child at home and teach him to read, write and count, this may not be enough for a normal adaptation to the school and further education in it. In addition to knowledge, a child going to the first grade should: be able to sit out the lesson time (30-35 minutes), be able to work in a group, perceive the tasks and explanations of the teacher. Therefore, when a child visits a kindergarten where school preparation is taking place, attends private developmental classes or training courses held at the school itself, it is much easier for him to adapt to further schooling.

The best option is to attend training courses in the school where you plan to give your child, so he will gradually get to know both his future classmates and the teacher.

What needs to be changed in school?

In order to improve the process of education and upbringing within the walls of the school and the pupils sought to learn, it is necessary to make the following changes in it:

It should be noted that parents who understand and explain the importance of schooling and are also interested in the success of their child and participate in the organization of the educational process and leisure, the children are very positive about the school and understand why they go to it.