Kobaktan for cats

Antibiotics group cephalosporins have long been used in medicine and veterinary medicine. But relatively recently, it was possible to create a preparation of the IV generation - Kobaktan (cefkinoma sulfate). Therefore, analogues of the drug Kobaktan (cefazolinum, ceftriaxone, cefotaxin and others), which belong to the third generation of this group of antibiotics, to him in many properties are much inferior. This substance successfully successfully heals the face in pigs, mastitis in cows, ulcers of hoof horseshoes at horses, various ulcers on hoofs. But lovers of cats and dogs can also take this medication for a note. A lot of pathogenic organisms that threaten our fluffy pets turned out to be sensitive to cefkina.

Kobaktan for cats - instruction

  1. What treats the drug Kobaktan in cats?
  2. This medicine can be prescribed in the following diseases in cats: diseases of the respiratory tract (if the bacteria showed sensitivity to Kobaktan), arthritis, meningitis, cystitis , urethritis, some skin diseases .

  3. Dosage of the drug Kobaktan.
  4. To cats, the antibiotic Kobaktan is injected by injecting 0.5 ml of the preparation into 5 kg of the body weight of the animal per day. The course of treatment usually becomes from 2 to 5 days. Between injections, the time interval is 24 hours. It is advisable to check the patient for hypersensitivity to cefkium sulfate before starting treatment.

  5. Cefkin has a short half-life and is well excreted by the kidneys.
  6. Resistance to the drug Kobaktan for cats practically does not develop.
  7. The therapeutic level of the active substance is reached only a few minutes after the injection. Most of all, it accumulates in bronchial mucus.
  8. Due to the fact that preservatives and stabilizers are not used in this medicine, Cobactan rarely causes allergies. Rare local reactions to the tissues at the site of the injection usually disappear themselves within two weeks.
  9. Kobaktan for cats practically does not enter the gastrointestinal tract, therefore the dysbacteriosis, which often occurs with antibiotic therapy, in this case is almost excluded.

It has been proven by experience that even a tenfold excess of the recommended dose of Kobaktan in most cases practically did not cause side effects. But we dare to note that such experiments to conduct over their pets are still somewhat risky. Although Kobaktan for cats and has low toxicity, but it is better to administer it under the supervision of a veterinarian and in recommended doses.