Coccidiosis in rabbits

Many people began to consider rabbits as the basis of their economy. Dietary meat of these eared animals is always well in demand in the market. But one of the problems that often stops novice rabbit breeders is the susceptibility of their pets to certain diseases . One of the most common infections is coccidiosis, which in neglected form leads to the death of animals. It is necessary to know the symptoms of this dangerous disease and its causes, in order to carry out preventive measures or in time to begin treatment of coccidiosis in rabbits.

What is coccidiosis in rabbits?

The causative agents of this disease are the simplest microorganisms - coccidia. They parasitize in the intestines and liver of animals. They can get sick at any time of the year, but especially in spring and summer. There are several varieties of parasites. Nine of them live in the intestines of the patient, and one species in the liver. The incubation period lasts on average about two to three days, and infection occurs through the digestive tract. Mature oocysts can easily enter water or feed along with the feces of a diseased rabbit or other rodents.

Coccidiosis in rabbits - the first symptoms of the disease

In the acute stage, the course of the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, constipation and swelling. The abdomen increases in size, the animals lose their appetite and do not gain weight. Cramps are possible, after which the rabbits tilt their head, fall on their back and die. Autopsy shows the presence in the thin intestine of characteristic nodules, in which there are many oocysts. When hepatic form on this organ can detect nodules the size of a pea, and on the mucous membranes of the eyelids and the oral cavity there is yellowing.

It happens that coccidiosis does not lead to the death of the entire population, but the recovered individuals can continue to be carriers of infection even up to 4 weeks. Within two weeks, the peak of the case may occur with intestinal acute form, and in the case of hepatic - this period may occur 50 days after infection. Quite often, both forms are found on farms of rabbits simultaneously.

How to treat coccidiosis in rabbits?

For treatment, use phthalazole in combination with norsulfazole. It is necessary to take 0.1 gram of the first and 0.3-0.4 grams of the second preparation per kilogram of live weight. Sulfadimethoxin also helps - 0.2 g per 1 kg of body weight on the first day, and 0.1 g per day for four more times. After five days of interruption, it is necessary to repeat the treatment for prophylaxis. You can give furazolidone within a week, the dose of the drug is 30 milligrams per kilogram of animal weight.

Prevention of coccidiosis in rabbits

First of all, it is necessary to keep the cells clean, regularly wash and disinfect them, and clean the feeders from the stool. Sex is best done in the cells in the mesh. Acid marsh herbs contribute to the development of infection, they should preferably be limited in the diet. When the first signs of the disease appear, one should begin to treat the sick animal, separate it from the rest, and give the same drugs to other rabbits. Cells, drinking bowls and feeders must be treated with boiling water with the addition of caustic sodium or potassium (1-2%). You can still apply a blowtorch for processing, high temperature kills coccidia.

Reduce the risk of coccidiosis in rabbits can be, using iodine treatment. The medicine is prepared before drinking the animals. You can not use metal dishes for these purposes, it is better to use glass or ceramic. To prepare a 0.01% preparation is easy, dissolving in 1 liter of water 1 ml of 10% tincture or 2 ml of 20%.

Dosage of the drug:

Some rabbit breeders for the prevention of coccidiosis in rabbits add to the diet lactic acid. But it is necessary to exclude this supplement from the ration of females 12 days before the proposed sexol. For 25 days of lactation, lactic acid can again be added, calculating the dosage of this additive about 0.5% of the total food.