Maine Coon Cats - breed description

Among the many breeds of cats are their babies and giants. For example, Maine Coon cats are considered to be the largest. The average weight of an adult cat reaches 12 kg (cats weigh up to 9 kg), and the largest of the known representatives of this breed weighed 15 kg. But with all this, Maine Coons do not seem fat or overfed.

Maine Coon cat breed - description

Representatives of the largest breed of Maine Coon cats belong to the group of semi-long-haired cats. Their homeland is North America, Maine. According to one version of Maine Coon - this is the fruit of the love of the raccoon and the cat. From where the stripedness and the word kun (from the English Coon - raccoon) in the name of the breed. Modern representatives of this breed can have the most diverse color, except lilac, chocolate, Siamese and Abyssinian. The wool is smooth, silky, dense and shiny in structure. On the hind legs and abdomen, it is longer than in the front part of the trunk. Square format head (due to the powerful chin and the average length of the muzzle) in relation to the body seems small. Eyes (usually yellow-green) are large and almond-shaped, widely set. A muscular body with a well developed sternum is rectangular in shape. Legs are strong, widely set, of medium length. Paws large and round. The tail is long, broad at the base and blunt at the end, covered with a superbly dense and long coat.

Maine coon cats - character

How much Maine Coons, as representatives of the largest breed of cats, are powerful and strong, as they are tactful and reserved to others. These cats need a personal space. But, at the same time, they are always close to the owner. Despite their impressive size, Maine Coons will never give up their pleasure once again, and even in their old age they keep the habits of the kittens.

Maine Coon is an amazing combination of strength and grace of a wild beast with the kindest soul and habits of a lovely domestic cat.