Recipe for salted dough for modeling

We all, in due time, liked to sculpt from plasticine. But, to our great regret, all our creations very quickly fell into disrepair. But it was so desirable then that they lasted longer.

To date, worthy competition plasticine is a dough for modeling. Probably everyone knows that, prepared according to a certain recipe, a salted dough for modeling, makes it possible to make beautiful crafts that can be preserved and please the eye for a long time.

This occupation attracts not only the youngest sculptors of 2-3 years of age, but also children of adolescence. Yes, there to say, in our time, you can often meet and an adult who is keen on creating masterpieces of salted dough.

It is interesting that the figures molded from salted dough in Ancient Russia were used as gifts to significant events. And the recipe for salted dough for molding was passed from mouth to mouth, and so it has come down to our days.

At first glance, the preparation of a salted dough for modeling is a very simple matter. But, it turns out, the composition of the test plays a huge role: after all, if you take a simple dough and just put more salt in it, then, firstly, it is unlikely to work with it comfortably and fruitfully, and secondly, the work done from such a test , quickly lose their original appearance.

Let's figure out how to make a dough for modeling?

Recipe for salted dough # 1:

We need 500 g of wheat flour, it is better, of course, to take top grade flour, 200 ml of cold water, and 200 g of the finest salt.

The dough cooked according to this recipe is very convenient because all the ingredients included in the dough are edible. Therefore, even if your little creator decides to try your product for a taste - you can not worry.

Recipe # 2:

There is another recipe for making a salt dough for modeling. Here the composition of the test includes: 200 g of wheat flour of the highest grade, 200 g of fine salt, 200 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of glue for paper wallpaper, you can add PVA.

And how to knead the dough for modeling?

Do not think that if you now know the composition of the test for modeling, then this is enough for further work. You still need to know how to knead the dough for modeling. The correctness of kneading plays also a very important role in its quality.

First, in the dishes in which you will knead the dough, you need to pour the salt, then pour it with water and stir until the salt dissolves completely. Only then, constantly stirring, you need to add flour. Knead such a dough is necessary until it becomes soft and elastic. The dough should not stick to the hands.

After kneading the dough, you can start the most enjoyable - modeling. And from this material you can sculpt everything that the soul desires, from simple uncomplicated figures, to figurines and even paintings.

After finishing the work, it needs to be allowed to dry, but it is better, of course, to place it in the oven for roasting. After this stage, you can start the creative process - coloring the work. Some masters, however, prefer to immediately sculpt a multi-colored dough. In order to give the desired color to the dough, you can use both food colors and ordinary gouache, which is added directly during kneading the dough.

Successful creativity!