Nasal bleeding in children - causes

Nasal bleeding in young children is quite common. In many cases, parents can cope with this problem themselves. But sometimes the blood from the nose is a symptom of some disease that requires medical intervention. In children, a similar problem is more common than in adults. Therefore, mothers should understand its causes and learn how to help in this situation.

Causes and treatment of epistaxis in children

This problem is caused by damage to the mucous membrane in the nose. This can be caused by a number of factors:

It is important to remember that the causes of epistaxis in children are bleeding from internal organs such as the esophagus or stomach.

Every mother should be able to provide emergency help. In order to help the child you need to follow such advice:

The head can not be thrown back in the event that the nose is not cold and there are no cotton swabs. After all, the bleeding will not be stopped, and all the blood drains into the esophagus.

In some cases, when blood comes from the nose, you need to call an ambulance. This can be useful in the following situations:

With frequent nasal bleeding in children you need to find out their causes. For this, you need to visit a doctor. Probably, consultation at several experts, such as an ENT, a hematologist, the endocrinologist is required. After carrying out the necessary examinations and tests, the doctors will understand why the child has frequent nosebleeds and prescribe treatment, as well as vitamins for prevention.