Lactobacterin for newborns

The digestive system of a newborn baby is imperfect, because with the advent of the baby the baby is reconstructed into a basically new type of food for him - he used to get nutrients from the placenta through the umbilical cord, now the food enters the stomach. During the first 15 days of life, the baby's stomach is absolutely clean from bacteria and enzymes that promote digestion and assimilation of food. They penetrate the baby's body with mother's milk and gradually "colonize" the stomach and intestines. Often this is accompanied by gassing and colic - problems that young mothers are so afraid of. In order to facilitate the process of reproduction of beneficial microorganisms in the baby's body, doctors often prescribe lactobacillus for newborns.

Lactobacterin for children is a dry powdered or compressed microbial mass consisting of live lactobacilli. Assign it and then, when the balance of microflora in the intestine is disturbed. Normally, 1 gram of stool contains 1000 bifidobacteria, a decrease in their quantity, which adversely affects digestion, can be caused by:

Such violations in the intestinal microflora are called dysbiosis and require treatment - that is, replenishment of the shortage of beneficial bacteria. Dysbacteriosis can manifest itself in the form of a disorder of the stool, a violation of appetite and leads to such unpleasant consequences as:

How to give lactobacterin to the newly born?

Lactobacillus is often prescribed together with antibiotics, since selectivity is not a strong side of modern antimicrobial agents. Together with pathogenic microorganisms, they kill useful bacteria, leading to the aforementioned dysbacteriosis. But in order for living microorganisms of the drug not to be destroyed by an antibiotic, the interval between admission should be at least 2 hours.

Despite the fact that the drug is absolutely safe and does not cause allergies, it should be used with extreme caution for premature babies and children who have suffered ancestral injuries - the doctor's advice before the reception is mandatory. In addition, there are also possible side effects in the idea of ​​diarrhea and vomiting. In this case, the use of lactobacterin should be discontinued and consulted with a doctor about the selection of an analogue.