Pharyngitis in children - treatment

In the case of the diagnosis of "pharyngitis" (inflammation of the mucosa of the posterior wall of the larynx) in infants, treatment is prescribed fairly sparing because the child is small enough to prescribe more serious medications.

Pharyngitis in children: how to treat at home?

For successful treatment of pharyngitis, you need to see a doctor. However, the mother can arrange and treatment procedures at home as a supplement to the complex treatment prescribed by a pediatrician:

It is forbidden to use aerosol products for the treatment of children under the age of three, since such manipulations can cause bronchospasm and stop breathing. In the case of the compulsory need for antibiotics, an infant can inject an aerosol over the cheek area, rather than into the throat itself. In this case, the probability of bronchospasm is excluded. However, it is worth remembering that the use of antibiotics is possible after examining the doctor and assessing the appropriateness of using antibiotics, since their use as a therapeutic agent can cause a number of adverse reactions:

The use of individual antibiotics (eg, bioparox) can cause anaphylactic shock, the appearance of asthmatic attacks and bronchospasm.

Most antibiotics have a children's age under 3 in the list of contraindications.

How to cure pharyngitis in a child with folk remedies?

In addition to traditional methods of treatment in the diagnosis of "acute or chronic pharyngitis" treatment in children can be done with the use of folk remedies:

In order to reduce the additional irritation of the pharynx when eating food, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the organization of nutrition of the child, who suffers from pharyngitis, and to exclude very hot, cold, acidic, burning dishes.

The presence of air humidifier in the house, copious drinking of the child, adherence to the work and rest regime, frequent washing of hands helps prevent the occurrence of pharyngitis in childhood.