Aquarium tetradons

Aquarium fish tetradone is rightly considered an unusual inhabitant of the sea depths. It is characterized by incredible aggressiveness and sometimes surprising ways of protecting its own territory. In the event of a threat, this small fish inflates the sac leaving the stomach, and becomes like a balloon. Thus, it discourages those who fought for its territory.

Feature of the nature of tetradones

Incredibly beautiful, but rather predatory aquarium tetradons are very cruel to their victims. Their bone plates, which are located in the mouth, are very sharp. If someone fell into the jaws of a tetradon, he would die a painful death - the fish smashed into the dust of shells of snails, shellfish, oysters, and this water inhabitant prefers to eat them. In the sexual glands and muscles of the tetradone there is a toxic, strong poison, which when it enters the body of the victim paralyzes it.

Breeding tetradonov

Aquarium tetradons have a rather problematic breeding. The fact is that their sexual characteristics are very poorly expressed, and each occurrence of offspring is considered to be practically unique. Of course, spawning can be stimulated artificially. To do this, it is necessary to give the fish increased nutrition, increase the water temperature in the aquarium.

In addition, do not forget that for "love pleasures" tetradons prefer a "clean house", so the water in the aquarium must be constantly diluted with fresh. These fishes completely lack parental care for their offspring. Females can release eggs to the bottom and forget about them forever. Sometimes it happens differently - the male can guard the deferred spawn. However, this is not so common.

Compatibility tetradonov

Aquarium tetradons and compatibility with other aquatic inhabitants is a separate story. Each fish has its own special character, and often there is more aggression towards others than calmness. True, they can get along with other fish, but only if they are much larger and calmer. Otherwise, the fins will be cut off and other "fish-fish" injuries will be obtained.

It is also not necessary to be deluded by the idea that a young tetradone can be populated in a common aquarium, which is characterized by slowness and sluggishness. Very soon the aggressor fish will settle down and begin to establish its own rules. A small fry simply disappears from the aquarium in a certain direction, and the one that is larger will be without fins. Especially negatively tetradon is adjusted to those water individuals that have veil-shaped fins.