Dry seborrhea

Dry seborrhea of ​​the facial skin and scalp is a fairly common disease associated with a malfunction in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, in which secretions are secreted in extremely small amounts. This leads to the fact that the surface of the skin is not sufficiently moistened, softened and resists to the effect of external irritating factors. The main causes of pathology are hormonal imbalance, digestive disorders, emotional overstrain, impaired immunity of the body and other factors.

Symptoms of dry seborrhea

This form of the disease is characterized by the following manifestations:

In the affected areas of the skin, losing protective properties, favorable conditions for the development of fungal microorganisms and bacteria are created, which leads to an even greater keratinization of the epithelium, increased itching and the appearance of inflammatory elements.

Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp and face

The appointment of treatment activities is conducted after careful diagnostic activities and identify the main causes of pathology, with the elimination of which the therapeutic course should be initiated. For this, in addition to a dermatologist, it is often necessary to visit physicians of other specialties - gastroenterologist, gynecologist, neurologist, etc.

Treatment, as a rule, involves the use of local remedies and systemic drugs. Most often, with dry seborrhea, special ointments and other external agents are prescribed that have an antifungal, keratolytic, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and softening effect. For example, a good result shows the use of sulfuric ointment, salicylic ointment, naphthalan ointment, creams with vitamin F, sometimes - local hormonal drugs ( Elokom lotion ). For washing the head, it is recommended to use special shampoos with antifungal, antiseptic, moisturizing effect (Nizoral, Keto plus, Seborin, etc.).

The treatment regimen necessarily includes:

Folk remedies for dry seborrhea

Medicamental treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies that help to cope with the problem more quickly. For example, rubbing the skin of the burdock twice a week for a month is effective. Applying oil, you should put on a hat and hold for a couple of hours, then wash it off with shampoo. For facial skin, you can apply rubbing olive oil with the addition of essential oil of tea tree (proportion 1: 5).