Stool for feeding from birth

Feeding a child is an important part of communication between mother and baby. And this communication should take place in a comfortable environment. That's why parents begin to think about how to buy a highchair from the birth of the baby. Already from 5-7 months, this attribute will become as important as a stroller and a cot for a child. As soon as the child learns to sit, and the mother starts to introduce the first lure , the stool can be used at home. Until the same time, a chair from the category "from zero" can be used to sleep and wake the baby, while mom is engaged in their own affairs.

Highchairs for feeding from birth - types

Chair for feeding can be of several types:

For babies from birth, the feeding chair is suitable only for the first type. He can decompose into a practically horizontal position, that is, the infant in it is lying down, while it can not be planted.

Parents can be recommended to buy the largest highchair for feeding since birth, as children grow very quickly, and this will avoid the need to purchase a new highchair every year.

The best highchair for feeding since birth: rating

Most models of highchairs are equipped with special - five-point - seat belts. If there are no belts, then it is better not to buy such a chair, since an overactive child can fall out of it. The design of children's chairs should provide stability, which is also important in their choice. In the chair there should be an anatomical limiter, which will not allow the child to slide down. The shape of the chair should be such that it supports the children's spine in the correct position.

Baby chairs from birth are special models that are equipped with a soft liner that can be removed. For the youngest, such stools can replace the cradle. Over time, it will turn into a place for eating, as well as games and activities with the child.

If the highchair is not used for a while, it should be possible to collect it. The chairs can have one or two trays: one, as a rule, is used for meals, and the second - for games, entertainment and activities. Individual models are also equipped with toys, mesh baskets for a variety of accessories, a glass holder and other useful devices and things.

The best highchair for feeding from birth is one that will be safe, stable and functional. It must necessarily correspond to the age of the child. It is desirable that parents choose a chair, from which you can adjust the angle of the backrest. Ideally, if the seat is removable and / or waterproof. So care for this item will be easier, and the hygiene level will be maintained at the proper level. The weight of the chair should not be small, but too heavy models are not suitable for home use.

Now you can buy highchairs for feeding kids from the world's leading manufacturers, for example, Chicco, PegPerego, Jetem, Inglesina, Graco, HappyBaby, Cam and others. Special attention should be paid to Bloom Snug liners, which are soft inserts that provide comfort for children under one year.

Many models of highchairs are created in Russia. As a rule, these are wooden structures with a classical design. Many such products are equipped with small desks, making the chair convenient for transforming into a whole gaming complex.