Low blood pressure - what to do at home?

With reduced blood pressure, a person experiences a certain discomfort. Therefore, it will be superfluous to find out what can be done at home to normalize the low pressure. In this case, the positive effect is given both by folk recipes and by physiological techniques.

How at home to raise low blood pressure?

With a systematic reduction in pressure, the following tips will help:

  1. Try not to spend a long time doing mental activity. Periodically, it is worthwhile to arrange small breaks for gymnastics. Thus, it will be possible to provide good blood flow. It's great if the day starts with charging. Optimum for hypotension are aerobics and running.
  2. Sleep must be at least 9 hours. It is proved that one of the provoking factors of hypotension is chronic fatigue.
  3. Waking up, you need to take a contrast shower. So you will not only finally wake up, but also raise the tone of blood vessels.
  4. Do not forget about nutrition. First, breakfast should be dense, and secondly, include in the menu pomegranate juice, liver, cottage cheese and other products that increase hemoglobin.

Chronic hypotension is worth knowing, than at home to treat a sharply reduced pressure:

  1. You can use pharmacy tinctures of echinacea or ginseng. However, resort to this tool is allowed only in case of physiological hypotension, not associated with any disease.
  2. If there are no tinctures, it does not matter. To raise the pressure, a pinch of ordinary salt will help. It must be put on the tongue and, without washing down with water, it must be absorbed.
  3. Rapidly increase the pressure helps a cup of strong coffee. However, it should be remembered that the effect will not be long. By the way, although green tea contains a decent amount of caffeine, it is not recommended to drink it with hypotension. The drink does not increase, but lowers the pressure.

Folk remedy for low blood pressure at home

If you know that you are prone to hypotension, you should take care of its prevention in advance, as well as treatment. It is not necessary to drink pharmacological drugs. There are many recipes, how to bring at home to the norm of low blood pressure.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

Raw materials are steamed with boiling water and left to cool down completely. To drink the filtered filtered infusion is recommended in equal portions for 3 doses.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

The flowers of the Tartar are steamed with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. Decoction for half an hour wrapped in a thick towel. Finished remedy for hypotension is filtered and taken during the day 3-4 times a tablespoon.

Recipe # 3


Preparation and use

Raw material is poured with alcohol. Insist a remedy that helps under reduced pressure, in cool home conditions and in a dark place. The container should be tightly sealed. Ready tincture will be in 3 weeks. Take it should be three times a day for half an hour before meals. In a tablespoon of cold water dilute 25-40 drops of the drug.

Recipe # 4


Preparation and use

At home, low blood pressure treatment can be done with honey and cinnamon. Enough cinnamon powder from the evening soak with boiling water. In the morning, drink a drink, pre-flavored with natural honey.