Care for ponet in winter at home

Poinsetia - one of the few flowers that can please its flowering in the winter. In European countries, it is most often bought for Christmas, hence its second name, the "Christmas star". Taking care of the poinset in winter at home will allow you to repeatedly enjoy its flowering.

Poinsetia - care after purchase

To purchase paunsetti should be approached especially carefully. The plant is not always comfortable transporting transportation, so the period of adaptation to home conditions may not be easy. When purchasing a preference, it is worth giving a flower with still unblown buds.

Care of the purchased poinset during acclimatization is, first of all, in its correct placement. It is recommended to place the plant in a room with a temperature of at least + 16 ° C, on a light window sill and exclude the possibility of drafts. After 3 weeks, when the flower gets used to domestic conditions, it is transplanted into a container with good drainage. The soil is taken universal, it adds a small amount of sand and vermiculite.

Poinsetia - home care

  1. In the summer the plant likes sunny places, but at midday it needs to be shaded. Also in the summer it is recommended to take a punch to the balcony, excluding the penetration of drafts. If this is not possible, the room where the flower is located should be ventilated periodically.
  2. The optimum air temperature for punch is + 18-20 ° C.
  3. Watering the flower should be so that the earthen litter is completely impregnated with water, but the water should not remain in the pan.
  4. From spring to autumn, once in 2-3 weeks, fertilize the plant with complex mineral fertilizers.

Poinsetia - winter care

Bought in December, the plant blooms for about two months, and then comes a period of rest. At this time, the flower is transferred to a darker place without a bright color and practically not watered. The earth is moistened occasionally to prevent overdrying. If possible, the air temperature is reduced to + 14 ° C. Since March, the punch is returned on a light window sill and begin to water.

In order for the plant to please you with a bloom by the New Year, it is prepared for winter. For this purpose, the light day is artificially reduced by 12-14 hours. Since September, the punch is covered with a thick paper bag to create the effect of darkness. The rest of the time the plant should be in the light. This regime is observed for 2.5 months. In December, buds will appear on the punch, and darkening will no longer be required.

If properly caring for the New Year's punch, it will be able to please you during more than one holiday.