Pulsatilla - homeopathy

Pulsatilla - homeopathic preparation based on grass meadow (he is a dream-grass), a perennial plant from the family of buttercup. The leaves of the lumbago contain alkaloids and saponins and are used for medicinal purposes not only in homeopathy, but also in phytotherapy.

Indications for the use of homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla

In homeopathy it is believed that the drug should be used if the symptoms of the disease are similar to the effect of this drug, taken in large doses. The lumbago herb is poisonous and in high dosage can cause various allergic reactions, rashes and irritations on the skin, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, disturbances in the circulatory system.

Also in homeopathy according to Hahnemann, the physique, color-type and other physical characteristics affect the purpose of this or that drug. Thus, Pulsatilla in homeopathy is considered the most suitable for women with a weak whining character, mostly light-eyed, fair-haired and pale skin.

Proceeding from this, Pulsatilla in homeopathy is applied:

  1. For the treatment of nervous disorders - hysteria, neurasthenia, neuralgia , pulsating headaches.
  2. For the treatment of inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, delay of menstruation, menopausal symptoms in women.
  3. With cystitis and enuresis.
  4. For the treatment of gastritis and various inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. For the treatment of various colds and infectious diseases (tonsillitis, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, measles, chickenpox), as well as in inflammatory processes (otitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis).
  6. With vegetovascular dystonia.
  7. For the treatment of stagnant phenomena in the vessels, including varicose veins.
  8. With hemorrhoids in severe form.
  9. For the treatment of skin diseases and rashes ( eczema , hives, etc.).

In addition, it is believed that the drug has a stimulating effect on the immune and hormonal systems.

Dosage and Administration Pulsatilla

Pulsate is produced in pellets that contain the substance in the corresponding homeopathic dilution (C3, C6, C30, D3, D12, D6, D30, D200 and others) and sucrose. The required dilution and the number of pellets are determined by the homeopath, but usually with a delay of the monthly, Pulsatilla C6 is used, in acute diseases, from C3 to C30. In chronic diseases, amenorrhea, nervous disorders, homeopathy recommends the use of Pulsatilla 200.

In the descriptions of the drug and in the names, the letter index C or D is often omitted, referring simply to Pulsatilla 3, 6, 30, 200, etc. However, in homeopathic dilutions, these indices are important, and the concentration of the substance can differ by several orders of magnitude or even several tens of orders.

According to the rules of homeopathic dilution according to Hahnemann, the index D denotes the decimal dilution (1:10), and the index C - the hundredth (1: 100), the figure also means how many times the breeding was repeated successively.

Thus, in granules C3 the substance is diluted in a consistency of 1: 1,000,000, in D3 - 1: 1000, and in D200, respectively, 1: 10,200. In the latter case, a single granule of a homeopathic medicine may not contain a single molecule of drug substance at all, and official medicine does not recognize homeopathic preparations.

On the other hand, due to the minimal concentration, homeopathic preparations can not cause overdoses or poisonings, even if they are created on the basis of poisonous plants.