Can I take antibiotics and antiviral simultaneously?

As is known, most infectious diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses, and antibiotics and antiviral drugs are often prescribed for their treatment, respectively. In which cases it is required to drink those and other drugs, and also whether it is possible to take antibiotics and antiviral drugs at the same time, try to figure it out further.

When is it necessary to take antibiotics?

Antibiotics are drugs that, according to the mechanism of action on microbes, are divided into two large groups: bacteriostatic and bactericidal. Bacteriostatic drugs help to inhibit the reproduction of bacteria, and agents with a bactericidal effect kill them in various ways. Some antibiotics have a wide spectrum of action (they fight simultaneously with several types of bacteria), others are characterized by a narrow focus.

Antibiotics for treatment are prescribed only if the diagnosis shows that the disease has a bacterial etiology. The choice of the type of antibiotic, its dose, duration of intake should only be handled by a specialist who, in doing so, takes into account a number of important factors. It is worth emphasizing that these drugs are prescribed for treatment, and for their prevention, the administration is indicated in very rare cases (for example, at a high risk of postoperative complications, with a bite of untested mite in endemic Lyme disease, etc.).

When is it necessary to take antiviral drugs?

Antiviral drugs may also have a narrow and extended direction of action, and therefore are divided into several groups. However, one should know that only a few of the medicines produced for the treatment of viral diseases have proven clinical effectiveness. In addition, as a rule, the beginning of taking such drugs should be within 1-2 days after the onset of symptoms, otherwise their effectiveness will be less than 70%.

Most viral infections, especially respiratory infections, the body can overcome by itself, so antiviral drugs are prescribed only in exceptional cases. For example, with severe symptoms, the presence of concomitant infections, weakened immunity. It is possible to prevent the prescription of these drugs in conditions of increased risk of infection.

Simultaneous reception of antibiotics and antiviral drugs

In principle, most antibiotics and antiviral drugs are compatible with each other and can be used together. However, indications for which such a complex therapy is needed are small enough, and the expediency of such appointment should be determined by a specialist. At the same time, studies show that the prescription of antibiotics for viral diseases for the purpose of prevention is unreasonable and not only does not reduce, but also increases the risk of bacterial complications. We can not forget about the numerous side effects of both groups of drugs and understand what the load on the body can lead to their parallel application.