Marilyn Monroe - the cause of death

Marilyn Monroe is not only a famous American actress, singer, but also a chic woman, a sex symbol of the 20th century . Born in 1926, but died quite at a young age, when she was 36 years old. The secret of her sudden death has not been disclosed so far. But there is a version with which most experts agreed, it is this article that we will consider in this article.

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe

According to the housekeeper, on August 4, 1962, Marilyn looked very tired and went to her room, taking her phone with her. That night she called Peter Loford and said this phrase: "Say goodbye to me with Pat, the president and with yourself, because you're a nice guy." A few hours after that, the maid noticed a burning light in Marilyn's bedroom and was very surprised. Looking in the window of the room, she saw the lifeless body of a girl lying face down.

Frightened, the housekeeper Eunice Murray called the psychiatrist star Ralph Grinson and her personal doctor Heiman Engelberg. Both of them, on arrival, ascertained death. As shown by the examination, the death of Marilyn Monroe came because of acute poisoning and oral drug overdose. The police confirmed that it was most likely suicide.

Life and death of Marilyn Monroe

Why did a great actress and an amazing girl decide to commit suicide? After all, her life was more than successful, the career flourished. She starred in such famous films: "Choristers", "In Jazz Only Girls", "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", "Happy Love" and others. In my personal life everything was developing, but not very successfully. The novel with the playwright Arthur Miller lasted four and a half years, the couple had no children, since Marilyn could not get pregnant. After that, there were rumors about the love affairs of the actress with John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert. But these are just rumors that have no evidence.

At first glance, it may seem that the girl did not have problems, but the fact that she was found dead in her own apartment, without any signs of murder, proves the opposite. Near her bed lay a package of sleeping pills, and an autopsy proved that death came as a result of his overdose. After this incident, many Americans followed the example of the goddess.

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Marilyn Monroe was buried in a crypt at the Westwood Club.