Cracked lips

The most common cause of cracks in the lips and in the corners of the lips is drying and mechanical impact. In such cases, it is sufficient to use lip care, exclude irritating factors, and soon the skin on the lips will recover. But, unfortunately, it is not always easy to get rid of cracks on the lips so easily, and in some cases it is impossible, without the help of a specialist. First of all, of course, it is necessary to find out why the lips crack.

To the formation of cracks often leads to dry skin of the lips. Since the skin on the lips is devoid of sebaceous glands, most often cracks occur in the cold season, under the influence of weather conditions on the street and the dried air in the premises.

The appearance of swelling, vesicles or spots on the lips can be the result of an allergic reaction to cosmetic preparations. Chronic cracks in the corners of the lips that arise regardless of external influence, over a long period, may be a sign of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lips can also crack from a lack of vitamins. As a rule, the skin on the lips is sensitive to vitamin A and B, and an overabundance of these vitamins can lead to the formation of cracks.

The use of hot, spicy and sour food often causes cracks between the lips.

Candidiasis, herpes, autoimmune diseases the same can cause chronic cracks on the lips.

Such bad habits, like smoking, mouth-biting, part contribute to the deterioration of the skin on the lips and the formation of cracks.

Why does the baby have a crack in his lips?

Most often, the lips of a child dry and crack because of weather conditions and a common habit of gnawing pencils, pens and other objects. Such cracks occur when using ointments or children's hygiene lipstick.

If the cracks appear cyclically and have a chronic character, then it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to find out why the baby's lips are cracking. The cause may be infectious diseases of the mucous membrane, bacterial and fungal lesions. In such cases, the treatment of cracks in the lips in children is prescribed by a doctor.

The ingress of bacteria prevents the healing of cracks, and if the proper measures are not taken in time, the appearance of cracks in the corners and on the skin of the lips can become chronic and lead to intractable diseases.

Than to cracks on lips?

What if the lips are cracked due to diseases or fungal lesions can only be advised by a specialist, self-medication in such cases can lead to an exacerbation of the course of the disease. In some cases, the treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips and on the lips requires surgical intervention or complicated procedures with the use of special preparations.

If the lips dry and crack because of weather conditions, then you can use folk remedies or cosmetic preparations to care for the skin of the lips. Hygienic lipstick of good quality contains the necessary vitamins and protects the skin of the lips from getting bacteria and the environment.

The following folk remedies can be used to prevent and treat cracks caused by dry lips:

The skin on the lips is more tender than the skin on the face, and therefore requires a separate care. Special protective equipment, moisturizing and nourishing masks, will help prevent the appearance of cracks and permanently retain the youth and beauty of your lips.