How to get rid of insomnia?

"Diko was tired for the day, especially went to bed early and for the third hour I think of fat sheep lazily climbing over the fence. Sleep in one eye, fell asleep in the morning, did not get enough sleep, and the next day the same story, a short sleep does not bring rest. How to get rid of this insomnia? ". Common situation? You also do not know how to sleep with insomnia, and when you fall asleep, constantly wake up? It can not be allowed to go by itself, insomnia can and should be treated. Here's how to deal with it, and there will be a conversation.

Causes of insomnia

To understand how to get rid of insomnia, you need to understand its causes. They can be physiological and psychological. To the physiological can be attributed to the use of drinks or drugs containing caffeine, acute and fatty food before bed. Also, unpleasant smells, bright light, noise, an uncomfortable bed, cold or stuffiness in the room can prevent one from falling asleep. How to defeat insomnia in this case is understandable - you need to get rid of sources of irritation and take a closer look at consumed food and drink before bed. The psychological causes of insomnia are, first of all, stress, depression and intense mental labor. As in the first case, to get rid of insomnia, you need to eliminate its cause. But it will be much harder to do, soothing soothing, special breathing exercises and relaxation exercises can help. If the situation goes out of control and it is impossible to cope with the problem on its own, the question of how to overcome insomnia should be asked to the specialist, because only the doctor will select the necessary drugs and prescribe the treatment.

What should I do if I have insomnia?

As soon as the insomnia starts to torment, we immediately grab the sleeping pills. For a one-time solution to the problem, this option is not bad, but the constant use of sleeping pills will cause addiction. And after drinking a pill, we do not solve the problem, but we deceive the body. Therefore, for insomnia, it is better not to think what to drink, which of the sleeping pills helps it better, but to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner.

  1. As already mentioned above, sleep with insomnia is hindered by what we ate and drank at a late dinner. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty and spicy food, to refuse to eat black strong tea and coffee before bed. Alcohol and nicotine with excessive consumption can also cause sleep disorders.
  2. Stick to the regime, try to go to bed at the same time. If you do not feel sleepy, do not force yourself. Read a boring book or magazine, watch TV or listen to the radio.
  3. Walking in the fresh air, especially before going to bed will help the body tune in to rest.
  4. Horror films, loud music and quarrels before bed can cause his absence, so they should refrain.
  5. If the day was tense, then a warm shower or a bath with your favorite aromatic oils will help to relax.
  6. Before going to sleep, do not think about what you did not have time to do, get distracted from the problems, imagine a pleasant, pacifying picture.

Folk remedies for insomnia

And here's what folk healers recommend for sleep disorders:

  1. One of the methods of treating insomnia is the use of various herbs. Here, for example, a decoction of hop cones. You need to pour a glass of boiling water 2 teaspoons cones. Leave to stand for 4 hours and drink before going to bed.
  2. Also, folk medicine recommends insomnia funds based on oregano. It can be added to tea or infusion. For the infusion, you need 2 teaspoons of chopped oregano, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a sealed container 20 minutes. After the infusion filter and drink warm for 15-20 minutes before eating. Drink infusion should be 3 times a day for ½ cup.
  3. Among folk remedies for insomnia, there is one more interesting, it is like those who love the smell of herbs. It is necessary to sew a small pillow and fill it with dried oregano, mint, valerian, St. John's wort, hop cones, hawthorn flowers. You can use any herbs that have a soothing effect, use proportions, too, the main thing is that you like the fragrance. This pillow must be placed before going to bed under your pillow.