Mask-film for the face

Mask-film for the face - this is what will help to clean and smooth your skin. It is called so because of the fact that after drying it is not washed off, but removed from the top down, like a film.

Indications and contraindications

Regenerating mask-film for the face is very effective:

But any cleansing mask-film for the face affects the deep layers of the skin, so it should not be done by the owners:

How to make a mask-film?

In general, the main ingredient of such masks is gelatin . It is a natural collagen that simply makes the cells renew. But if you just want to get rid of black spots, then you will be helped by an egg mask-film for the face. In order to do it, you need:

  1. Beat separately protein and yolk.
  2. Then mix them and apply on face, only a small layer, so that it does not dry out for long.
  3. On top of the egg mass, you need to paste thin napkins.
  4. After 10-15 minutes the mask is removed from the face together with all the black plugs from the pores.

Gelatine mask-film for the face, too, is easy to prepare:

  1. You need to mix the egg, a tablespoon of gelatin and add berries, fruits, activated charcoal, herbal infusions or other skin-nourishing ingredients at your discretion.
  2. In order for gelatin to dissolve, you need to put the mixture for 15-30 seconds in a microwave oven.
  3. After the mask has cooled, apply it to the face.

After any such mask-film your skin will become more well-groomed, the contours of the face will be tightened, and fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.