Aphthous stomatitis - treatment in adults

Aphthous stomatitis is a common dental disease, which is an inflammation of the oral mucosa with the formation of single or multiple ulcers (aft) on its surface. In adults, aphthous stomatitis in most cases occurs against the background of weakening of the immune system and the presence of chronic foci of infection in the oral cavity, nasopharynx, digestive organs (caries, tonsillitis, sinusitis, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, etc.). Also, inflammation can develop as a result of insufficient oral hygiene, after traumatizing the oral mucosa, against hormonal disorders, etc.

As a result of incorrect and untimely treatment of this pathology, chronic aphthous stomatitis often develops in adults, the symptoms of which can be observed at intervals from several weeks to several months. Coping with the chronic form of this disease is much more difficult. Therefore, if the first symptoms of the pathology are found, consult a dentist who can already diagnose on the basis of the clinical picture.

Symptoms of aphthous stomatitis

The first symptoms of the disease may be redness and burning sensation in the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane, which are soon joined by swelling and soreness. Further, aft formation is observed, which are characterized by a rounded shape, whitish or light gray with a bright red rim, they are painful when pressed and cause discomfort when eating. These ulcers are localized more often on the inside of the lips and cheeks, in the sky, in the tongue. In some cases, aphthous stomatitis is accompanied by general malaise, headache, fever.

How to treat aphthous stomatitis in adults?

In general, the treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults is carried out by medicinal methods, including the following measures:

  1. Local treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic means - periodic rinsing of the mouth with Miramistin, Furacilin or Chlorhexidine solution, Stomatidin, Givalex, Rotokan and others.
  2. Surface treatment of drugs with anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties (Stomatophyt-A, Kholisal, Kamistad, Vinilin, etc.).
  3. Surface treatment of drugs with epithelial and regenerating properties (approximately from 4 days of illness, after elimination of acute processes) - Solcoseryl, Karatolin, sea buckthorn or sea buckthorn oil, etc.
  4. Use of antibiotics of systemic action, antiallergic, antipyretic drugs (if necessary).
  5. The use of immunostimulating agents, vitamins (especially groups C and P).

In the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, sanation of the oral cavity with elimination of carious defects and dental deposits must be carried out. If the appearance of aphthus is associated with other infectious diseases, their treatment is carried out. During the treatment period Use only a brush with soft bristles to prevent mucosal trauma, and adhere to a sparing diet (rejection of salty, spicy, rough food).

On average, the healing of aphthas occurs in two weeks. In some cases (with deep or multiple aphtha, greatly reduced immunity), this may take about a month, and the formation of smooth scars can occur at the site of sores. In the future, for the prevention of it is recommended to carefully monitor oral hygiene , to consume enough vitamins and microelements, and to treat the emerging pathologies in time.