Thuya oil for nose

Thuya, also called white cedar, is an evergreen family of cypress trees, up to 20 meters high. The historical homeland of Thuya is Canada, the United States and Japan (Thuya Japanese). Essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of needles and cones, from plants not younger than 15 years. The composition of the oil contains thujone (up to 60%), fenghon, camphor and other substances.


With external application, thuya oil removes swelling, itching, allergic dermatitis, refreshes and tones, helps to get rid of stretch marks, papillomas, warts, calluses. There were recorded cases of disappearance under the influence of birthmarks. For medicinal purposes it is used for colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, stagnant phenomena in the lungs, cystitis, prostatitis, menstrual cycle disorders. Inside is taken as an expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, antirheumatic and anthelmintic.


The main active component of this essential oil is thujone, which belongs to toxic substances, and which has abortive effect. Therefore, essential oil and other medicines from tui are categorically contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding and epilepsy. When taking medications from Tui, you should strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor, and at home, on your own initiative, apply them neither externally nor inward is not recommended.

Homeopathic remedies with tuya oil

The most famous is the homeopathic oil "Tui Edas-801". In 100 g of the preparation contains 5 g of essential oil of thuja and 95 g of olive oil. The drug is a clear liquid of a yellowish-green color. It is used for instillation in the nose for colds, rhinitis, diseases of adenoids, polyps in the nose. It is recommended to instill 3 drops in each nostril three times a day. This oil contributes to the recovery of epithelial tissue and normalizes the secretory glandular mucosa. It can be used externally - with acne, warts, papillomas, and as oral applications for stomatitis and periodontitis.

In addition, thuja is widely used in homeopathic practice in the form of a granular drug, focused on diseases of the genitourinary system, intestines and skin.


  1. To disinfect the room and treat respiratory diseases, thuya essential oil can be used in aromatic lamps (1-2 drops).
  2. With a chronic rhinitis, you can wash the nasal sinuses with a decoction of chamomile, sage and plantain mixture in equal proportions, in which to add 20 drops of homeopathic remedy "Tuya Edas-801" to ΒΌ cup decoction. Remember that pure essential oil of thuya can not be used in such dosages.
  3. To combat warts and papillomas, it is possible to either pinpoint burning with essential oil or alcohol tuja tincture, or use a cotton swab in the form of applications. It is desirable to conduct the procedure on the recommendation of a doctor. When applied to the skin, the burning effect occurs within 4-5 minutes.
  4. For massage it is possible to add essential oil of thuya at the rate of 2 drops per 25 ml of the base.
  5. In therapeutic baths, you can apply essential oil of thuya as follows: pour 100 grams of sea salt in a jar, add 8-10 drops of essential oil, shake the jar carefully and leave for 2-3 days. Take 1 tablespoon of salt on a bath.
  6. As an anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic remedy, 10% ointment from fresh shoots of thuja can be used.
  7. Also essential oil of thuya is a part of aromatherapy mixtures for the treatment of sexual dysfunction (impotence, frigidity).

Other applications

Thuya oil is used in pharmacology for the manufacture of ointments with emollients and disinfectants. In perfumery it is used as a flavoring.