Decembrist - reproduction by cuttings

Most of the indoor flowers have a pronounced rest period - this occurs from late autumn to early spring. Plants sleep during all the winter cold, so that with the arrival of warmth to wake up and begin to grow rapidly, pleasing us with their flowering.

But some flowers come in reverse, decorating our windowsills in winter. The Decembrist also belongs to such plant species - it is not without reason that it is also called the Varvarin flower, because it blooms on the eve of the day of this holy martyr - December 17.

If you want your house to be full of bright Decembrists on New Year's holidays, you know: it's easy enough to multiply them. So, let's find out what is the best way to breed the Decembrist.

Reproduction of the Decembrist at home

Sometimes a plant is propagated with seeds, but this method is used mainly for breeding. For fans of the same ideal way is the reproduction of the Decembrist cuttings.

To propagate this flower, it is necessary to tear off the mother plant a stalk containing several leaf segments. They need not be cut off, but carefully unscrewed, holding the lower segment. And in order to have a guarantee that the Decembrist flower will get accustomed, try using a few twigs at once for breeding. Dry them for a few days before planting.

For rooting the cuttings, pour into the pot a light and loose earth mixture with drainage. Fix the shank, not deepening it too much. Cover the pot with a hothouse from a film, bag or can. Regularly ventilate it, and when the branch of the Decembrist leaves roots, remove the shelter.

Follow-up care for the ingrained cuttings

As well as reproduction, care of the Decembrist is absolutely not complicated. It will be enough to provide him with those living conditions that he loves. But here you should know about some of the features of this flower.

Since in nature Decembrist grows in the warm moist forests of South America, accordingly, it is demanding of temperature, humidity and light, and also loves the constancy of the environment.

It is best to live this flower on the eastern windows, where it receives enough light. The Decembrist does not tolerate bright sun rays, reacting to them with the reddening of foliage. Protect the plant, shading it, if you put it on the south or west window.

Decembrist does not like excessive watering (it can easily bend the fragile root system of the flower), but he will not like overdrying the earthy coma. By the way, water the flower only with warm water.

And when the plant throws out the buds, one should be especially careful to maintain the consistency of the environment, without moving the flower from place to place and without turning it.