Thrush in the mouth

Thrush refers to bacterial infections, it is provoked by fungi of the genus Candida, which are a habitual constituent of the microflora of the human body, but for some reason can begin to grow violently and cause illness. Causes of candidiasis are different factors, but regardless of this treatment, thrush in the mouth in adults in all cases is the same.

Symptoms of thrush in the mouth

These yeast-like bacteria are very fond of an acidic environment, because they often multiply rapidly when favorable conditions are created - the acidity of the oral cavity or vagina changes as a result of hormonal failure, reduced immunity, or inappropriate hygienic conditions. Very often, candidiasis begins during pregnancy, after surgery, during a period of prolonged antibiotic therapy and against a background of severe diseases:

Also, thrush of the oral cavity is often developed in those who are forced to wear dentures, people of advanced age. The risk group is women over 50 years old and those who use oral contraceptives. Although sometimes the disease develops in men who abuse smoking and alcohol.

The way the thrush looks in the mouth depends on the severity of the disease. At the initial stage, it makes itself felt by the appearance of small, usually round, white spots on the mucous membrane of the mouth - the tongue and the inner side of the cheeks. When scraping the curdled plaque, a bright pink and shiny tissue becomes visible, there are practically no painful sensations, and slight burning can occur with the use of spicy food. If you do not consult a doctor at this stage, the spots will become larger, can spread to the sky and tonsils, as well as to the esophageal mucosa. They become dense and no longer succumb to mechanical action. The patient experiences severe discomfort and pain when eating.

Treatment of thrush of the oral cavity

Treatment of thrush in the mouth is a prolonged and systemic therapy with antibiotics in combination with imidazoles. The medicine is selected individually, since not all antibiotics are effective against yeast bacteria. Usually this is one of the following medicines:

If the tablets do not give an effect, intravenous infestations are used. Imidazoles should also be prescribed by a doctor. It can be Clotrimazole, Econazole or, a little less often, Miconazole. The course of treatment lasts from one to three weeks.

Treatment of thrush in the mouth at home can be done only in the early stages. It involves a decrease in acidity in the oral cavity and the use of antiseptic agents. Spots of candidiasis can be lubricated with a solution of greenery of diamond, or iodine, while conducting a soda-salt rinse. For this:

  1. 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of soda is dissolved in a glass of warm water.
  2. The procedure is 4-5 times a day.

You can additionally use mouthwash chamomile, or calendula.

Mandatory in the treatment of candidiasis is the implementation of measures to strengthen immunity - food should be vitaminized and balanced, long walks in the open air are recommended. You can additionally take a course of vitamins, or drink broth of dogrose and herbal teas. It is also important to carefully care for your teeth and mouth - do not run caries, brush your teeth regularly and use flossing.