Egg mask for face

It has long been known for the magnificent properties of chicken eggs and this is not only because it is a natural product, but also because without it it is almost impossible to do in the kitchen. So it happened in cosmetology - now the egg yolk and protein are wonderful ingredients for masks. The egg contains vitamins B, A and E, which is especially useful for hair and face. In particular, egg masks are useful for oily and combination skin, as well as for oily hair. Egg mask for the face can be prepared with different additives, which allows you to achieve a greater result from such a procedure.

Benefit from face mask with egg whites

Many prefer the yolk, considering that it contains all the vitamins and nutrients. But, this is completely wrong, because egg white is also rich in vitamins and minerals. All protein-based masks are ideal for oily skin , removing inflammation and irritation. Protein masks are also relevant for wrinkled skin, help to smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate.

Benefits of face mask with egg yolk

Such masks are recommended for women with dry skin, which promotes nutrition and moisturizing. The egg yolk contains many trace elements, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium and many others. Just do not forget about the presence of vitamins B, A and D. It is vitamin A is responsible for moisturizing the skin and its enrichment. Dryness and peeling occurs just in the case when it lacks moisture. Also in the yolk contains a useful lecithin, which has a toning and softening effect, which affects the restoration of all important skin functions. In general, we can say that even the most common cleansing egg mask for the face is an indispensable cosmetic product for the beauty and health of the skin.

Recipes masks from eggs at home

Since all the useful properties of this miracle product have already been agreed, it now remains to give a few examples of effective face masks. To cook one of these masks, we do not need a lot of time or expensive ingredients. It will be enough to have a little patience and desire.

Egg and honey mask for face

  1. It is necessary to take 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of sour cream and a little pulp of any berries or fruits.
  2. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed or whipped with a blender.
  3. In order for the mass to thicken a bit, you can add flour.
  4. The mask is applied approximately for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

This recipe is ideal for combination skin .

Mask of eggs and cottage cheese

  1. We take one chicken egg, 1 tablespoon of home-made fatty cottage cheese, 2 teaspoons of any vegetable oil and a little fatty cream.
  2. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied for 20 minutes for action.
  3. After washing off with warm water and get moisturized and soft skin.

Egg mask for face

  1. We need one egg yolk and separately one protein, two bowls, a fork and paper napkins.
  2. Initially, it is necessary to separate the yolk from the protein and leave it in separate bowls, Beat thoroughly.
  3. The beaten protein is applied to a pre-cleaned face and glued on top with pieces of paper napkins.
  4. On top of such a film, we apply another layer of whipped protein and leave it to dry completely.
  5. After the film on the face has dried it is necessary to remove it - the procedure is a little painful.
  6. After that, we put on the face whipped yolk for moisturizing and nourishment.
  7. After 10 minutes of action, wash with warm water, and here is the result - the skin is soft and peeled.