Masks for split hair - a great way to avoid haircuts

Seen on the tips, and even more so on the entire length of the hair can become a significant flaw in the appearance of any girl. The reasons for this problem are many, and it is impossible to get rid of it without the help of special care for locks. Masks for split hair - a sure step on the way to luxurious hair, besides, it does not require large expenses.

Masks for split hair in the home

If the strands are drained, not shiny, lifeless, exfoliate and break, this means that the outer protective layer is damaged, and an increased loss of moisture occurs. Do not harbor the hope that, using some advertised miracle-tool, you can restore the old structure and get rid of attendance. The offered to date cosmetic preparations and salon procedures help only temporarily to hide the defect.

In this case, the cutting of the ends can really help, it is more desirable to use hot scissors. Such a procedure, as it were, seals the hairs and prevents the "leakage" of useful substances and moisture from them. After this, you should start to improve the curls. Many experts believe that the mask against split ends at home due to the naturalness of the components used is more effective store. Home masks for split hair are recommended to do a couple of times a week.

Mask for hair from split ends

One of the most popular components from which home hair masks are made from split ends are fatty vegetable oil. It allows you to quickly replenish the hair shafts with the necessary vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, compensate for the loss of moisture. The most effective are castor, burdock, linseed, olive, almond, coconut oil. Here is a recipe for a mask for split oily hair, which will be especially useful for the fatty type of curls that bifurcate at the tips.

Lemon mask


Preparation and use

Ingredients shake and apply to damaged strands (because the oil acts better in a warm form, the mixture can be preheated on a steam bath). The time of action of the composition under the hood is 20-30 minutes. Wash off with detergent.

Masks for brittle split ends

Fragile, thinned hairs need a lot of moisture, which must be provided from inside as well as from the outside. At such problem it is necessary to watch the norm of a drinking mode, and for hair to use means with intensively humidifying action. It is advisable to use the juice of aloe and kefir as ingredients of the mask for dry and split hair, and the mixture itself can be prepared according to a simple recipe.

Kefir mask


Preparation and use

Freshly squeezed juice is mixed with kefir at room temperature and applied to clean strands, paying special attention to the ends. Leave on for half an hour, then rinse with water.

Hair is split along the entire length - masks

If the damage is observed not only at the ends, it means that the bulbs lack in addition to moisture, and nutrients, so it is worth considering the correctness of the diet. As for masks for split hair throughout the entire length, it is worthwhile to introduce more useful components, including beneficial effects on the root zone. Many good reviews of women received a mask for thin and split ends.

Honey mask


Preparation and use

Melt the honey in a water bath, connect it with other ingredients and apply the composition on the entire head, rubbing into the roots. After warming, keep the mixture one to two hours, then wash it off with shampoo.

Mask for the treatment of split ends

Everyone knows what a huge role for the health of ringlets is played by vitamins. Therefore, the real salvation for them will be a periodic saturation with a vitamin cocktail. Vitamins A, E, B6, B5, PP, D, K, and N. The greatest benefit in the problem of bifurcating strands will be vitamins A, E, B6, B5, PP, D, K, N. They can be obtained in a pharmacy (they are available in ampoules, in the form of oil solutions, in gelatin capsules).

The mask from split ends with vitamins is most simply prepared on the basis of any balm or conditioner for hair, in one portion of which (about the size of a walnut) before application, you need to add a drop of vitamin solutions. To apply the received structure it is recommended on a washed head and to hold approximately an hour - two, then to wash off. In addition, with oil solutions of vitamins A and E, you can simply spread the affected ends without washing them off afterwards.