Why can not you drink milk after 30 years?

Many doctors do not recommend the use of milk for adults and give very interesting reasons to prove their position. Today, we'll figure out why you can not drink milk after 30 years and what the nutrition experts say about it.

Why can not adults drink milk?

The first argument, which experts cite as proof of their position, is that milk slows down the absorption of iron, so regularly consuming milk, you lower the level of hemoglobin in the blood. On children, this is reflected not so fatal, because in their diet often there are many more iron supplements than those who are already 25-30 years old.

The second fact that specialists cite, when talking about why you can not drink milk to people over 30 years of age, is its high enough for a drink calorie content. The older a person becomes, the easier it will gain weight, and it will be more difficult to lose weight, therefore, from the milk, according to dieticians, after 27-30 years should be abandoned.

The third argument proving why it is impossible to use milk, sounds like this drink can cause an adult stomach upset, diarrhea and increased gas production. The fact that in milk there is a substance that is poorly absorbed by the body of an adult, children develop a special enzyme that helps to digest the drink, but in time its quantity decreases and very significantly.

These arguments seem to unequivocally say that it is better to refuse milk from adults, but even experts acknowledge that if a man or woman does not have anemia, excess weight and a negative reaction from the digestive system after consuming this natural drink, it is quite possible allow yourself to sometimes drink it.