Nikola summer May 22 - what can not be done?

St. Nicholas among Christians is considered the most revered saint and the oldest, closest to God. In his honor, many churches and parishes are built, he is prayed for the health of children, for help, intercession, marriage, good luck on the road. Every year, the days of his birth, death and transfer of the relics from the World of Lycia to Bari, which occurred in 1087, are venerated. This day falls on May 22, which is called Nikolay summer, and what can, and what can not be done on this day, will be told in this article.

St. Nicholas is not for nothing called a miracle worker. Even during his lifetime, he performed miracles, turning his prayer to God, and after his death, seamen and travelers, merchants unfairly condemned, and the mothers praying for their children began to turn to him for help. Christians today consider him to be their patron, the father of the poor, a quick helper. His name was often given to children, so from the ancient times until the beginning of the last century the name of Kolya was the most popular among boys. According to the folk calendar, this holiday was called spring, spring, warm. On May 22, Beginning began on Nikolay's Day, which lasted until June 10, when lilacs blossomed, acacia and bare elm blossomed, as well as most fruit trees.

Signs and ceremonies on Nicholas summer

This saint was considered a patron of the peasantry from time immemorial, so the average sowing of spring bread began on Nikolas. And on this holiday it was decided to plant potatoes. The peasants believed: "Ask Nicholas, and he will tell Spas." Those who are wondering whether it is possible to work for Nikolas summer, it is worth noting that on this day they also sheared sheep. The peasants arranged whole religious processions and, holding icons and banners in their hands, went to the fields, performed prayer services at the wells, asking God for rain. In general, the rain on Nicholas summer was fortunately and a rich harvest. Christians spoke of the greatness of God's mercy and grace, manifested in drops falling from the sky. And on May 22 Nikolay summer can be planted buckwheat.

This feast was also considered a holiday of grooms, because Nikolai Vyshny patronized the horses. On this day, the pasture of horses began, and all the young people went to the meadows with sunset. They said: "Guys for the first time go to the night." They took horses with them, lit up bonfires and feasted: sang songs, danced and danced until the morning dawn. They said: "Nicholas the spring horse will fatten, and autumn will drive the yard". Adults and elderly people ordered prayer services with the consecration of water so that Nikola saved the herds from wolves and bears and gave the horses strength and health.

From Nikolin's day, "ordered" meadows with the use of twigs and tree branches. They were stuck in the land on the border and thus prohibited grazing in these territories. The peasants believed that if frogs crock on St. Nicholas summer, then there will be a good harvest of oats. By this time it had to be weeded out, because "the oats of Mikolsky will be neither master nor horse", that is, neither people nor animals will be approached. This is an excellent time for the collection of dandelions and the beginning of their harvesting for the winter in the form of jam, and as a dry collection for medicinal purposes .

What can not you do on Nicholas summer?

To the wolves did not touch the herd, on this day it was not accepted to spin. It was believed that at this time the wolves exacerbated the scent very much and they could cut the sheep with more fury. In addition, no one was given personal weaving tools and did not exercise in a dream. In the period between the celebration of the day of St. George and St. Nicholas not planted hedges, but at the expense of eating meat, the information is contradictory. But there is a sign that on this day on the table must be a duck soup. Until the spring Nikola you can not soak water in the water and swim.