Why can not be preserved with menstruation?

Monthly menstruation is a physiological process and is natural for women, but since ancient times, it has become superstitious and all manner of prejudices. Even today, these days, women can not go into the temple and approach the icons, and why can not be preserved with the monthly - in this article.

Why can not it be preserved during the period?

First of all, this is due to the belief that at this time the woman is "unclean". For example, Muslims do not communicate with their wife during these days and after childbirth, when the body is self-cleaning, and although Christians do not have such a requirement, making love during menstruation is not recommended from the hygienic point of view. In ancient times it was believed that a menstruating woman could cause her mirror to cloud with her touch, take power from plants and land with plowing and sowing, provoke the illness of her loved ones if she washed their clothes, etc. Even to say goodbye to the deceased was forbidden, so that he did not take a part of impurities with himself and his soul did not remain unchained.

Those who are interested, whether it is true that with monthly can not be preserved, it is worth paying attention to a more plausible explanation. There is an opinion that during menstruation through the pores of a woman a special substance is released that acts as a toxin on living organisms. That's why the dough turns sour, and cabbage decays during souring. The same is true with conservation, that is, the rolled vegetables and fruits do not stand and "explode", and some notice that freshly cut fresh flowers fade very quickly. What can I say ... Of course, not all of these negative consequences are noticed and what is the matter with the matter and can not be understood, but those who worry about the safety of their supplies for the winter, you can recommend working in rubber gloves and sterilize the jars and boil the covers longer.