Why does an empty coffin dream?

Objects that a person sees in a dream symbolize certain events and actions of the future and the present. To get the information you need, you should carefully analyze the dream and take into account the basic details and characteristics of the subject. In addition, events that occur in real life have great significance in interpretation.

Why does an empty coffin dream?

Such nightly dreams often foreshadow a transition to a new stage in life, but this will not be easy, since you have many unfinished business that causes a large number of fears . It can also be a symbol of that you are worried that you can not keep that promise. The dream in which you see the open lid of the coffin, portends that in the future you will change your views, and get used to the current situation. Some dream books have information that an empty coffin is an omen of a happy event and an improvement in the material condition. Perhaps in the coming days you will be able to solve existing problems, which will entail pacification.

Seeing an empty coffin in your sleep and feeling negative emotions at the same time means that you are awake at death and other dangers. Dreambook recommends finally getting rid of all the experiences, as they prevent you from moving forward. Another empty coffin can promise a purchase of real estate. There is also information that in the future there can be unhappiness. If you see an empty coffin and do not feel any emotion, then you have a long and happy life ahead of you.

The dream in which an empty coffin figured, for people engaged in business, symbolizes that at this time the risk is increased, to get into debt. If the dream is dreaming before the conclusion of an important transaction, then you can be sure that everything will end well, and you will get a significant profit. To see an empty coffin designed for oneself means that life will be filled with various problems and failures that will concern almost all spheres of life.

To see an empty coffin in a dream and to want to lie down in it, then in reality one should expect a merry holiday or a successful marriage. If you want to hide in a coffin - this is an omen of a profitable business that will bring a good profit. The dream in which an empty coffin is carried out, portends problems in family relations, and for unmarried girls - an unsuccessful marriage. The coffin moving in a circle, predicts the occurrence of a serious disease.