In which year does the pear bear fruit?

Summer is a time when a variety of fruits and berries are sung. For many of us, for a long time, the pear remains the favorite fruit, which attracts with a tart and sweet taste and tender juicy pulp. Often owners who have even a small garden plot, try to plant at least one pear tree . To the advantage in the form of delicious fruits, which, by the way, can be marinated and rolled up, it is worth noting and high yield. If you are a fan of this fruit, you will certainly want to know how many years the pear fructifies. This is what will be discussed.

When does the pear begin to bear fruit?

Of course, an inexperienced gardener can cherish hopes that they will manage to eat sweet-tart fruits in the first year of growth of a fruit tree. Unfortunately, in order to see the long-awaited pears on the branches of the seedling, you will have to wait a while. If we talk about the year the pear fructifies, then usually the first fruits on the tree should be expected for the fifth to seventh year after planting, not earlier. Such a long period of time is explained by the fact that the seedlings must first grow (that is, develop a strong root system and trunk) and get strong enough for fruiting.

However, if you planted the pear, wait for the harvest not earlier than seven or nine years, which is also explained by the need for growth and recruitment.

As for the moment, how many times a pear fructifies in life, then it should be taken into account the fact that the tree yields a crop as it grows. For example, before the second ten tree life, the harvest gradually increases from year to year. From 20 to 40 years, the pear usually delight owners with fruits to the maximum extent. And now, after the fourth decade, the intensity of the harvest gradually decreases with the simultaneous drying of the branches.

If at the end of this time your tree still does not please at least a small crop, we recommend paying attention to how you care for the pear.

What can I do to make the pear bear fruit?

To achieve fruiting, in the first place, it is recommended to organize proper care. First and foremost, the correct landing is important. The root neck can not be deeply buried or planted very high. Yes, and grows well pear on loose, but fertile soils with a neutral reaction in a sunny place. However, at the same time, we should not overdo it with fertilizers, otherwise the force of the pear will go to growth, and not to fructification.

It is important to protect the crown of the pear in the spring from the morning frosts, covering the branches with dense material. In regions with low frosts, the near-bar for winter should be covered with a layer of mulch.