Nikola the Winter - signs

Often people are guided by various perceptions and beliefs, trying not only to determine the weather, but also to draw luck into their own lives, or to avoid trouble. Signs on Nicholas the Winter are mentioned in various sources, let's look at the most famous of them.

Signs on the feast of Winter Nicholas

This holiday is celebrated on December 19, it is on this day that the church honors the memory of St. Nicholas, whose name is the name of the celebration. On this date it is customary to visit the church, where it is necessary to defend the service, after which people cover a rich table. Also on December 19, it was customary to arrange a so-called brotherhood, to forgive all of their offenders and to put up with them. It was believed that a person should not be sad for this holiday, otherwise misfortunes and misery await him.

There are a lot of customs and signs related to Nikolay Zimniy, but one of the most interesting traditions is that on December 19 it was customary to get married. Our great-grandmothers often dreamed at this holiday that their matchmakers sent by their beloved person would knock at their house.

No less interesting is the fact that on the day of Nikola the Winter it was decided to organize noisy fairs, which were accompanied by various entertainments. This tradition still lives in some cities of Russia, so you can visit such cheerful folk festivals even today. We can say that the main folk note on Nikolay Zimniy is that the day must be spent in a good mood and then luck will accompany the whole year.

The signs and ceremonies of Nicholas the Winter

Our ancestors believed that on December 19 you can meet St. Nicholas himself. He walks the streets and can create a miracle, but only a kind person who does not and does not wish any harm to such a meeting can count on such a meeting.

Also there is a custom, on the night after the holiday put under the pillow children sweets. People still believe that those who have behaved themselves well the whole previous year will necessarily get a small gift, but a gift from St. Nicholas. By the way, it is this elder who is a kind of prototype of Father Frost, who is familiar to us.

No less interesting is the fact that girls wishing to marry successfully or as soon as possible, on this holiday prayed before the icon of this Saint. They believed that the elder could help them connect their lives with a worthy person, find love and attract suitors.

The signs and conspiracies of Nicholas the Winter

On this day, popular beliefs advise to do three main things, namely, to distribute all debts, to make peace with enemies and offenders, and also the man should first bypass the court in the morning. It is believed that if you fulfill all of the listed things, then next year a person will not pursue poverty or unhappiness.

Our ancestors believed that St. Nicholas patronizes only those who live honestly, do not save grievances and does not violate the treaty. Therefore, it is important to prepare, before the holiday, to pay off debts and receive forgiveness.

Also in the legends it is mentioned that on this holiday you can ask Nicholas for health and healing from any sickness. To do this, you should say: "On the sea-ocean there is a golden chair, in that chair sits Saint Nicholas and holds a golden bow, the onion it spoils and the evil eye shoots." Having uttered this conspiracy, one can get rid of any misfortune, as well as recover, but one must always believe in the words spoken and by virtue of the Holy One himself.

If a person wants his cherished desire to be fulfilled, then before the image of Nicholas at home or in the church, 40 candles should be put and prayed for the fulfillment of the dream until they completely burn out.