Intermittent claudication

It is believed that intermittent claudication is a male disease. At least, it is men who are most often exposed to it. But lately the intermittent claudication has quite often started to amaze and representatives of the fair sex. This disease is not fatal, of course, but it can be very uncomfortable to deliver. And an inattentive attitude towards it can have dire consequences.

Causes and symptoms of intermittent claudication

Intermittent claudication in medicine is commonly called sharp painful sensations arising in the lower extremities. In most cases, patients complain of pain in the area of ​​the feet and shins. The main reason for this is a violation of blood supply. Simply put, intermittent claudication occurs when the vessels are blocked - limbs do not get enough oxygen, develops ischemia, which causes pain.

The main risk factors are the following:

I would like to emphasize separately that intermittent claudication is a consequence of smoking. This harmful habit contributes to premature aging of the arteries, the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots.

In different organisms, the disease develops in different ways. In some patients, the first symptoms appear only a few years after the onset of the disease, while others immediately feel the changes and discomfort. In general, recognizing the disease is not difficult: the main symptom of intermittent claudication is severe pain that occurs when walking and often causes it to stop. And there are unpleasant sensations even at small loads. In later stages, pain in the limbs can worsen and in a calm state (when the patient lies, for example).

Other common symptoms of neurogenic or caudogenic intermittent claudication include:

  1. When the disease in the foot, the pulse disappears. Because of what the feet constantly remain cold, and their sensitivity decreases.
  2. Skin on legs takes an unnaturally pale shade.
  3. In some cases, the pain is given to the gluteal or thigh muscles.
  4. Particularly severe forms of the disease are accompanied by the appearance of trophic ulcers that do not heal for several weeks.
  5. In some patients, the disease is manifested by hair loss on the legs and a change in the quality of the nail plates.

Treatment of intermittent claudication

When the first suspicions appear, it is recommended to undergo an examination. If your suspicions are justified, then the disease can be recognized at the first examination, and accordingly, and the treatment will be started in a timely manner. The most effective methods of research for intermittent claudication are angiography and doppler.

At the initial stage, the disease can be cured medically with antispasmodics, vitamin complexes, antiplatelet agents. To overcome intermittent claudication at an early stage of development is possible with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures, mud or hydrogen sulfide baths .

With advanced forms of the syndrome of intermittent claudication, surgical intervention may be required. Sometimes, in case of severe complications, specialists should resort to amputation of the injured limb. That's why the treatment should start as soon as possible.

It is important to understand that none of the above methods of fighting intermittent claudication will be effective enough if the patient does not abandon bad habits. In addition, with this diagnosis it is recommended to revise the way of life - to increase the number of walking tours, for example!