How often do they water onions and garlic?

Our garden-garden consumes a lot of moisture during the season, evaporating the part through the leaves, and part of it is used to form greens and fruits. When organizing proper irrigation, the yield of beds can grow at times. And in this article, we'll look at a specific example of how often to water onions and garlic to get the maximum result.

How often to water onions after planting?

Onion belongs to the category of the most moisture-loving vegetables, with a lack of watering, its arrows change color to bluish-white, the quality of bulbs decreases because of inadequate passage of chemical reactions in the process of growth and development.

The highest demand for water in onions is observed after planting. From the emergence of shoots to the beginning of the formation of bulbs, the soil moisture should be at least 75-80%. In the first two weeks after sowing and another two weeks after emergence, it is extremely important to provide onions with abundant watering about every 4-6 days provided that dry and hot weather is standing. If the street is rainy, additional watering is not needed.

Also, high-quality watering is required when the onion leaves the leaves and the onion formation begins. Then the amount of water should be reduced.

How often should I pour onions on turnips?

If you grow a bow on a turnip , you need to remember that the yield is provided by the moisture of the upper layer of the soil to a depth of 30 cm. It is easy to check by digging the ground with a shovel on the bed. Excessive overflow of the plant during the growth of bulbs, when you pull out a shovel with a solid sticky clod of earth, leads to the fact that excess moisture retards the process of ripening bulbs and reduces their keeping capacity.

During the formation and maturation of bulbs, soil moisture should be reduced to 65-70%. When the ripening phase of the harvest comes, watering is stopped altogether. This usually takes place 20-25 days before the collection of onions. To understand that the bulb was finally formed, it is possible due to the yellowing of the tops.

How often to water garlic in the open ground?

Garlic is more likely to save on water consumption for plants. He likes watering, but is able to withstand a week between watering. So the question is, is it often necessary to water garlic, the answer is no sooner than yes.

In the period after planting, that is, in May and June, it is enough to irrigate it once a week. In July, its watering is stopped altogether, as the ripening period begins. But if the street is dry weather, then you can water it to prevent the withering of the plant, which manifests itself as an inflection of the tips of feathers and a change in their color.

Features of watering or how often to water garlic and onions in summer?

Watering is done in the calculation of 30 liters per square meter during the period of leaf formation and the laying of bulbs and 35 liters per square meter during the period when they are poured.

Because of the compactness of the root system, onions and garlic are better to water on the grooves. With a hot summer, you can water every 5-6 days. If the summer is rainy, then it can be watered less often or not watered at all. 2-3 weeks before harvesting, watering is stopped to keep the tubers clean and dry.

Water should be at the root, best of all - in the evenings. But if the weather is cool outside, it is preferable to water it in the daytime, so that, before nightfall, the moisture has time to soak and dry, otherwise it is fraught with fungal diseases.

After sowing, onions and garlic are watered, moistening the top layer of the soil, and after rooting the depth of wetness should be sufficient for a good development of the crop.

As for the water temperature for irrigation, it should be within + 18-25 ° C. To warm it, on the site install the tanks (barrels, baths). They, by the way, can accumulate rainwater, which is better than tap water, since it does not have rigidity.