Ointment Orthofen

As soon as the joints begin to ache, there appears swelling and morning stiffness of the limbs, many doctors recommend using Orthofen ointment. It is important to know in which cases it is used, and whether there are analogues of this drug.

Indications for the use of ointment Orthofen

This ointment is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. It is well absorbed through the skin, and after half an hour or a maximum of an hour its analgesic effect is manifested. The effect of the analgesic is kept for 2.5-5 hours after application, depending on the complexity of the disease. Use the ointment should be exclusively external.

The use of ointment Orthophene is most often recommended when it is necessary to overcome arthritis and rheumatism. Most people use it when they suffer injuries, bruises or sprains. As the instruction says, Ortofen ointment copes with such problems as:

After using the ointment, pain, swelling and swelling of the joints decrease. It has a favorable effect on mobility and reduces morning stiffness, which can occur with rheumatism and arthritis.

Ointment Orthofen Diclofenac is a wonderful and indispensable tool for people who engage in active sports and can receive various types of injuries and bruises.

Composition and Contraindications

If we talk about the composition of Orthofen, then there is a large amount (2.0 g) of diclofenac sodium. Other excipients:

Like any medicine, ointment has its own contraindications, in which its use is prohibited, for example:

This drug is not prescribed for children under 6 years.

As side effects that can occur after applying the ointment, you can name itching and burning, and the appearance of a small rash. All symptoms can disappear after a while after stopping the use of Orthofen.

Apply the drug should be a thin layer on the affected area of ​​the body or area of ​​the inflamed joint. It is important to rub the product into the skin a little. At a time, take 2 to 4 grams of ointment. Use Ortophen can be two or three times, but not more than eight grams per day. The course of application - from a single application to a two-week period.

Avoid getting the product on open wounds or ulcers, as well as in the eyes or mucous membranes.

Analogues of Orthofen Ointment

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to acquire exactly Orthofen and it is necessary to find a similar remedy with similar properties. If we talk about the analogues of Orthofen's ointment, then there is a whole list of medicines that have the same qualities and are used with similar problems: