Dollar tree - transplant

Wonderful house plant zamiokulkas, more known to the general public as a dollar tree, is very unpretentious. In how to look after a dollar tree , there are usually no questions. The only difficulty in caring for this plant is its transplant. If you are a happy owner of a dollar tree flower , be sure to study this question in order to conduct the process of transplanting a tree into a new pot with minimal losses.

Choosing a pot for a dollar tree

The tree will grow well at home, only if you pick up a suitable pot for it. The container can be both ceramic and plastic. However, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the transplantation of a dollar tree: it will be very difficult to remove it from a dense and high pot without damaging the roots. Therefore, for zamiokulkasa usually choose a flower pot of plastic, which if necessary can be cut. At the same time, the container should be slightly wider than the tuber of the plant.

At the bottom of the pot for the dollar tree, there must necessarily be a layer of drainage, and for greater air permeability fine-grained expanded clay can be added to the ground.

When can I transplant a dollar tree?

If you have recently received a plant zmiokulkas or you purchased it yourself, it is recommended to transplant it. But do not rush to do it in the first days after the purchase: you need to give the tree acclimatization, get used to the microclimate of the new premises. Optimal plant transplantation within 2-3 weeks.

A young dollar tree should be transplanted annually, and it should be done in the spring. Such a transplant stimulates the growth of the root system, and your pet will develop well throughout the season.

The plant, whose age is more than 4-5 years, requires transplantation only as it grows. You will understand this in the form of a pot that begins to deform under the pressure of the roots that propel it from the inside. If the pot is not plastic, but the ceramic, then the roots will be visible from the drainage holes from the bottom.

How to plant a dollar tree?

Dollar tree accepts only one way of transplanting - it is transshipment. Do it with the utmost care, because the slightest damage to the roots is fraught with the death of the whole plant, so it is sensitive.

Transshipment of a dollar tree should not affect its root system, which, together with an earthen lump, simply moves to a new, slightly larger pot. Fresh earth should be added taking into account the width of the new dishes. One of the conditions for a good flower growth is the following: the top part of the tuber with roots can not be buried in the ground: they should be visible on the surface of the substrate.

As you can see, it is not very difficult to transplant a dollar tree, especially if you know the information about its features. Do not forget only that the juice of this flower is very toxic, so all work should be carried out in protective gloves.

In addition, if you are the owner of this plant, you will be interested in knowing about the signs about the dollar tree.