Onion processing before planting

Almost all vegetables that are preparing for planting need preliminary preparation. This increases their yield and resistance to diseases and pests. Including, before planting, the processing of onions is necessary.

Stages of preparing the onion for planting

Processing the onion before planting begins with the fact that you manually sort out the planting material, culling the bared and dried bulbs, as well as the diseased and damaged ones.

The remaining material must be dried or heated. To simply dry the purchased onions, you need to spread it on a newspaper near the heating devices, for example, the battery. If you yourself have grown the seed material and stored it at a temperature of + 18 ° C or higher, it must be warmed.

First, you stand the onion for 15-20 days at a temperature of + 20 ° C. After that, for 8-10 hours, put in an environment with a temperature of +30 .. 40 ° C, while trying not to overexpose it. And only then warmed onions must be treated with growth stimulant.

If you do not have time to gradually warm up the onions, you need to act according to this pattern:

Disinfection of onion before planting

Before planting, it is necessary to treat the onions with potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. To do this, dissolve 35 grams in 10 liters of water and place in the bulb solution for 15 minutes. This will protect the harvest from many diseases, and will also become an alternative to heating the onions, if there is no time for it.

Processing onion before planting with saline

Such a "grandmother" the secret to preparing onion for sowing also brings good results, in particular, from the fight against the nematode. It is as follows:

Onion onion - treatment before planting from pests

The most dangerous pest of onions is the onion fly. It poses a serious threat to the harvest of onions and garlic until its complete loss. From the attack of the onion fly larvae, the withering of the leaves of the plant begins, the growth of the onions decreases, the odor is unpleasant in them, and complete decay occurs.

Features of combating onion fly are the need for preventive processing of onions before planting. For this, the planting material should be kept in water at a temperature of + 55 ° C for 5 minutes, followed by its drying.

It is also important to comply with the conditions for planting onions: plant it as early as possible, choosing well-ventilated areas. In this case, one does not need to plant the onions annually in the same place.

Good in the fight against bulbous flies alternating in a row of rows with onion and carrots, as carrots scare off the onion fly , and onions, in turn - carrot .

Preparing the soil for onion planting

When choosing a site for planting onions, pay attention to ensure that it is well lit and open. Onion is a moisture-loving plant, but it does not tolerate stagnation of water, therefore groundwater should not be deposited in its place of planting.

Onions like to plant in a loose and nutritious land, because since autumn, the garden should be dug to a depth of 20 cm and to make peat or bred dung. Immediately before planting, the organics can not be introduced, otherwise the onion will actively grow green, while its lower part will remain at rest.