The value of dreams by numbers

Interpretations of dreams depend not only on what the person saw at night. The value of dreams can be determined by the numbers and days of the week. The received information will tell about some events of the future and present, and also it will allow to find the solution of existing problems.

The meaning of dreams by day and number

To understand whether it is worth to take the dreamed dream seriously and what it can mean, it is necessary to take into account which day of the week it happened:

  1. Monday. Dreams will tell you about the psychological and emotional state. Long dreams promise trouble, and short, on the contrary, pleasant events.
  2. Tuesday. Night vision with an alarming plot warns of impending quarrels and troubles. If the dream was calm, then in the near future it will be possible to successfully solve any problems.
  3. Wednesday. Dreams are badly remembered, but they contain important information about impending changes in life.
  4. Thursday. The seen night visions will have to do with work and material situation. The plot will tell you how to solve difficult situations.
  5. Friday. Dreams are prophetic, for it is on this day that the intuition of man is maximally exacerbated.
  6. Saturday. Dreaming will help you choose the right path in life. The plot will make it possible to understand the causes of the problems and warn about making rash steps.
  7. Sunday. Good dreams are harbingers of positive changes in life. If a dream has a negative load, it is a warning about impending problems.

Before you use a dream book, you need to know the meaning of dreams by numbers, that is, on what day of the month the dream was seen. Thanks to this information, you can understand whether it will come true and when it will happen. The values ​​of dreams by numbers, for convenience are presented in the table.