Rules of the game in the mafia

An entertaining, intellectual game mafia, flavored with a detective plot, has been one of the popular psychological role-playing games for teenagers and older players for several centuries. Its essence is to find players from the team who have played on the side of the mafia, but about this in order.

Roles and composition of teams

The classic rules of the game in the mafia assume that the game is designed for the participation of ten people. They are divided into "red" townspeople and "black" mafiosi. The fate of each character of the game, the mafia determines the selected card. For the draw, three black and seven red cards are taken, and each participant is assigned a number from the first to the tenth. Instead of ordinary cards, you can use special cards to play the mafia. Among the townspeople, a "sheriff" card is determined by the leader. Similarly, the black "don" card defines the leader of the "blacks". The role play game Mafia is divided into two repeating phases, that is, night and day. The detective game is monitored by a judge.


During the night, announced by the referee, all participants' eyes are closed. To do this, you must prepare in advance the attributes necessary for the game in the mafia - masks. Players from the tray take a card that determines their role. After choosing the last card, the judge announces that the "blacks" can remove the masks for dating. This opportunity for a mafiosi appears only once for the entire game. "Don" gestures informs the rest of the Mafiosi about the plans: for a minute they should identify the townspeople who will be killed for the next three nights. Then the masks are put on again. After this, in a similar way, that is, in secret from the other participants, the "Don" and "Sheriff" take turns showing themselves to the judge.

Further, the judge informs about the approach of the day when everyone can get rid of masks and start calculating mafiosi. Each participant, beginning with the first issue, expresses within one minute his opinion as to who can turn out to be "black." The judge is obliged to monitor the regulations of each speech, as well as to avoid mentioning words about God, honesty, and oaths. If the player receives three warnings from the referee, he will not have the right to vote the next day. For four - disqualification without the right to the last word.

Night again. Three "blacks", passing by all the players in turn at the table, make a movement simulating a gunshot in the back of that "red" player, whose death they agreed on the previous night. This is done three times. If there is a discrepancy (full or partial), the player of the "reds" is not considered dead. If the murder occurred, the judge allows the "don" to guess the "sheriff" with one attempt (the remaining players in the masks). Similarly, the "Sheriff" tries to guess the "Don".

If the "red" was killed, then with the announcement of the morning he is given the right to speak. Next, each participant nominates a candidate who is suspected of involvement in the "black". Further - voting, during which the judge in turn proposes to expel each participant. The thumb of the hand placed on the table, the players vote only for one participant, who is suspected. The person who receives the majority votes out, not telling the rest of his role. Then night comes again.

On the third day, the "sheriff" opens, informing the audience of everything that he knows about the two players tested for the previous two nights. After that, the "sheriff" is removed from the game. In a similar scenario, the night shifts the day to the final.

Final Game

"Red" townspeople will win if there are no more "black" mafiosi at the table, and the mafia triumphs as soon as the number of townspeople and mafiosi at any stage becomes equal.

Obviously, the rules of the game for the Mafia for children are quite complex, so it will not be easy to organize intellectual competitions at home. In addition, not every family can boast of having eleven members. However, the company of children of adolescence and youth will certainly appreciate this game.