Fighting scab on apple trees

Among the various diseases to which apple trees are exposed, the scab is the most dangerous. It covers almost the whole tree - young shoots, foliage, buds and fruits. Depending on the degree of damage, apples can grow irregularly, have a large number of spots, or be completely disfigured by dry crust, which prevents normal development, why they do not acquire a non-commodity appearance.

How to cure apple tree from scab?

In connection with the high prevalence of the disease, fighting scab on apple trees is simply necessary. It is better not to waste time on the use of simple folk methods, as an insidious disease is practically beyond their control. It is necessary to use effective drugs, as well as when possible to plant varieties that are resistant to this disease.

Measures to combat apple scab should be taken already in early spring, not relaxing until the middle of summer. After this, there is a respite, during which the fruits gain strength and ripen. After harvesting, nothing prevents from again taking up active treatment to defeat this resistant virus.

From the scab on the apple trees, mineral fertilizer, introduced into the near-trunk circles, is very helpful. It simultaneously feeds plants and has an antiviral effect. It can be:

Of the means used to combat scab on apple trees that have a strong effect, use fungicides. Most often it is:

  1. Strobi. The drug, containing in its composition krezoksim-methyl, which retains its properties for 35 days after treatment. The product is diluted in 10 liters of water and sprayed.
  2. "Horus" . Spraying with this tool is carried out twice, since it has a systemic effect and is not washed off by rain. The active substance cyprodinil begins to work at + 4 ° C.

In addition, less harmful drugs are popular - Gamair, Alirin B, Bordeaux fluid, Skor, Abiga-Peak and others.