Flower of a woman's happiness - care at home, tips for successful growing

To grow a healthy flower female happiness, care at home should be conducted according to certain rules. There is a legend that the goddess of love kissed the plant, filling it with happiness. From that time, the flower began to bring to the girls who believe in its power, luck and love.

Female happiness flower - care

Too demanding this culture is not, but there are a number of rules regarding care. Room flower female happiness loves light, but from the hot rays should be closed bushes. It is better to place the plant on the east window sill or on the table by the window. With regard to the temperature values ​​at home, then to this parameter the flower spathiphyllum is not exacting. Optimum parameters - + 20-25 ° С, but in winter the temperature should not be lower than + 15 ° С. The humidity of the air is of secondary importance, especially if the correct watering is carried out.

What is the name of the flower of a woman's happiness?

The name "female happiness" is popular, and in the scientific literature the plant is called in another way - spathiphyllum. In the flower of spathiphyll female happiness is an unusual appearance, as it does not have a stem, and the leaves grow directly from the soil. They can be oval or lanceolate. The root system of spathiphyllum is well developed. Flowers do not smell, but they have a beautiful shape.

How to water a flower female happiness?

For irrigation spathiphyllum, you need to take a stand-by or filtered water, which should not be cold and warm. If you are interested in how often to water a flower with female happiness at home, then you need to focus on the season, so in summer, irrigation is carried out 1-2 days, and in winter - every 7-10 days. When the spathiphyllum does not have enough moisture, the leaves begin to fall. If you need to leave, it is recommended to pour water in the pallets so that the soil does not dry up. Another secret in care - the leaves are recommended to wipe with a napkin or sprinkle.

How to feed the flower of female happiness?

For good development it is recommended to apply fertilizers to the soil. In the period from spring to summer, feeding is useful once a week. In winter and autumn, additives should be added every 2-3 weeks. Many people are interested in the fact that the flower loves the flower, and so, spathiphyllum prefers mineral supplements, but it is better to refuse organic substances. Use fertilizers in liquid form for the aroids, but they should not contain a lot of nitrogen. During flowering, it is important to apply potassium and phosphorus.

To develop a flower well female happiness, home care includes such recommendations for fertilization:

  1. The best time for additives is a warm and sunny day, then it is better absorbed.
  2. After the purchase it is not recommended to carry out feeding, giving spathiphyllum two months for adaptation.
  3. Fertilizer should not fall on the leaves, as this will cause a burn.
  4. Before applying fertilizer, pour a flower.

How to transplant a flower female happiness?

The transplantation is carried out immediately after the purchase, and then the procedure should be repeated every 3-5 years. The roots sticking out on the surface are indicative of the need for transplantation. The best time for the procedure is spring. The transplantation of the flower of female happiness at home is carried out this way:

  1. The pot must be 2-3 cm larger than the previous container. It must have holes for excess water. Carefully remove the plant, pre-watering the soil well.
  2. After this, gently release the roots from the drainage and soil debris. It is important not to pull out roots.
  3. It will be necessary to cut off the peduncles, since this will allow the plant not to expend energy on flowering and seed formation.
  4. Cut young leaves and those that have begun to fade. Examine the base, removing the brown scaly remains of the old leaves, which should be torn off. Trim the long root filaments and rotten areas. Cut slices with activated carbon powder or cinnamon.
  5. Lay a layer of drainage and soil, in the center, install the plant and cover the root system with the rest of the soil.
  6. Lightly ground the ground, checking that the socket is secured. It will only be good to water the flower, and spray.

Flower of a woman's happiness - how to multiply?

To increase the number of bushes spathiphyllum, you can use three methods: dividing the bush, planting the cuttings and sowing seeds. The third option is the most time consuming and rarely gives the result. Reproduction of the flower of a woman's happiness is as follows:

  1. Division of the bush. Perform the procedure in the spring during the transplant. Extract the plant, clean the roots from the ground and divide them. Each part in the end should have a growth point and 3-4 sheets. Planting at home is necessary in wet soil in a small pot. At first, regular watering is important.
  2. Cuttings. Quite good results give this option. Remove the outlet carefully. If it has roots, you can immediately land in the ground, and if not, then put the stalk in the water, dissolving the active carbon pill in it, and after the appearance of the roots, transplant.

Why does not flower flower female happiness?

Many proprietresses of the spathiphyllum complain that the plant does not blossom. The flower does not flower a woman's happiness, when care at home is wrong, and here are the main reasons:

  1. Enemy for culture are drafts, so choose a suitable place.
  2. Flowering may be absent if the flower is planted in an inappropriate pot.
  3. Stress for a woman's happiness is a transplant , so for no reason this procedure is better not to conduct. If you are interested in how to make a flower bloom for a woman's happiness at home, then it is recommended to loosen the soil so that the roots receive oxygen.
  4. In proper care, top dressing is very important, but if used in large and concentrated form, it can lead to poisoning.

Flower of female happiness - disease

There are a number of reasons why there are problems with the plant, and how to deal with them.

  1. If a white coating forms on the walls of the container or on the ground, and the leaves begin to wilt and grow pale, these are signs of root aphid. It is important to know what to do if the female flower is sick at home, so you can cope with the pest by watering the plant 1-2 times in 7 days with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. If the care is wrong, then it is possible to develop root rot, as evidenced by wilting the bush for no reason. For salvation, a transplant should be performed, while the decayed roots should be cut off and treated with "Gliokladin".
  3. When the phytospora develops, the root system is affected. The reason is the stagnation of water. Treatment is identical to the previous problem.
  4. If care is wrong, then pests can start. Fight them with a solution based on soap or tincture of tobacco.