Pellets in a pot

If you have never tried draniks, then you have lost a lot! Draniks, or potato pancakes, are cooked all over the world, but the recipe came from Belarus. Traditionally, they are served with sour cream, butter, and mochanka. You can also douse a little ready-made pancakes in a pot and then you will get an exquisite and fantastically tasty dish! Let's just do this with you today!

Pancakes potatoes with mushrooms and meat



So, to make potatoes, berm potatoes, peel them and rub them on a fine grater or crush them with a blender until it is pure. Then add the egg and sprinkle a little flour. All thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, pour the vegetable oil into the frying pan, spread the potato mixture with a spoon and fry it from two sides on medium heat until golden. This time we separate the chicken breast from bones, beat off a little and cut the meat into small pieces. Solim, pepper to taste and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Onions are cleaned, cut into half rings, then add the plates of champignons and cook all together for about 15 minutes. At the bottom of the pots, we spread a few pancakes, water them with sour cream, then put a layer of mushrooms with onion and chicken on top. Each layer is abundantly watered with sour cream, salt to taste, fill with water, cover the pots with lids and stew in a preheated oven over a slow fire for about 50 minutes.

At the end of time, fragrant and delicious pancakes with meat in the pots are ready! Immediately before serving, mix the contents well and sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill.

In the same way, you can cook potatoes and minced potatoes in a pot. Just replace the chicken with any kind of meat. Bon Appetit!