Satsivi from chicken in Georgian

Under the dish, satsivi can mean both the nut sauce itself and the hot food prepared in its supplement. Often in satsivi, vegetables, meat or fish are prepared, but the traditional satsivi is from a bird. In this material, we decided to focus our attention on the traditional satsivi from chicken in Georgian, prepared in several variations at once.

A simple recipe for satsivi with chicken in Georgian

We decided to start with the simplest version of the sauce, and then proceed to the sophisticated, enriched versions of spices.



Before preparing satsivi in ​​Georgian from a chicken, you should prepare a nut base for our sauce. To do this, the walnuts are turned into a paste in any convenient way, then add the greens of cilantro, pepper, citrus juice with garlic teeth and crush everything again.

As for the bird, for the satsivi it ​​is possible to use absolutely any parts of the carcass, the sauce will perfectly complement both white and red meat. Choosing meat, brown it from all sides, but do not bring it to the ready. In the same bowl, brown and pieces of onions. When the latter become golden, sprinkle them with flour and start slowly pour in the broth, continuously mixing all the ingredients. In broth, dilute and nutty paste, and when the satsivi thickens, put chicken into it and leave it to languish in the minimal heat for about half an hour.

Georgian Satsivi dish from chicken


For chicken:

For satsivi:


Bird pour water, add laurel and onions, and boil the bird about half an hour, not forgetting to remove noise from the surface. After preliminary cooking, the carcass is placed also in the oven, at 200 degrees for the same half hour. Ready-made birds can be disassembled into fibers, and can be divided into 8-10 large pieces.

Leave the remaining broth up to a volume of 1 liter. Adhere to the satsivi paste, for which walnuts are grinded together with garlic, and then combined with butter, spices and vinegar. Prepare the pasta in broth and place on medium heat until boiling. As soon as the sauce becomes thick and thick, add chicken pieces into it and remove everything from the fire. Satsivi must be cooled before serving.

Satsivi from chicken in Georgian - a classic recipe



Whisk the nut kernels into a paste and a half cup of broth. Add the chopped garlic to the paste.

Spread the chopped onion until browned. To the onions, add pieces of chicken and let them grasp the golden crust and them. Season ruddy meat with a mixture of spices and fill with nut sauce with the remaining broth. When the satsivi boils and thickens, take the ladle in a separate bowl and whisk with the yolks. Pour the sauce with the yolks back into the pan, add the vinegar and refrigerate the dish before serving.