Unloading day on buckwheat - how useful and how to cook buckwheat for a fasting day?

There is a mass of food options that allow you to lose weight . An alternative to mono-diets is the unloading days, which provide an opportunity to maintain themselves in good shape, without causing harm to health. Unbelievable popularity enjoys a fasting day on buckwheat. This groat is a guarantee of harmony and excellent health.

A fasting day on buckwheat is good

Among the valuable properties can be identified:

  1. Rich chemical composition . The croup contains a huge concentration of vitamins, mineral salts, acids, starch, dietary fiber, lysine to maintain health. The abundance of B vitamins , which participate in almost all biochemical processes, positively affects the appearance - the condition of vegetation on the head, epidermis and nails improves.
  2. The fats included in the composition are polyunsaturated . They reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, normalizing lipid metabolism, and this directly affects the weight loss process.
  3. The presence of easily digestible proteins . Those who are interested in what is useful for a buckwheat day on buckwheat, you can answer that the abundance of protein in the diet, subject to a decrease in the proportion of simple carbohydrates and refractory fats provides a loss of excess weight.
  4. The abundance of fiber , which cleanses the intestines , releases it from the products of decay, normalizing peristalsis.
  5. Fast and high-quality hunger satisfaction , a long feeling of satiety.

Unloading day on buckwheat - how much can you throw?

Arranging the digestive system rest on this croup, a lot of dumping will not work, but it will just be a pledge that the figure will not lose its acquired harmony, and health will not suffer. Unloading on buckwheat provides an opportunity to lose 3-4 kg in 30 days and this is more preferable option for quality weight loss. After all, excess fat does not stick to the body overnight and you need to get rid of it gradually. Together with this, it is necessary to revise the principles of nutrition in the direction of more rational and to increase the motor activity.

How to cook buckwheat for a fasting day?

There are several ways to prepare a nutritious dietary dish:

  1. A buckwheat fasting day can be arranged by eating cereals boiled with boiling water from the evening. 250 grams of buckwheat requires 2 cups of boiling water. Instead of water, you can take yogurt or ryazhenka.
  2. The second option involves the usual cooking of the dish, when the croup is cooked in water until ready.

Unloading days for weight loss on buckwheat

There are many options for such a one-day meal. Buckwheat fasting day for weight loss can consist only of cereals and liquid - simple and mineral water, tea, fruit drinks, compotes. Ideally, when preparing it, do not use salt and it is undesirable to refill with butter, especially creamy. Very often a fasting day on buckwheat includes the consumption of fruits and vegetables, fermented milk and dairy products. The total caloric content of the diet is low, which provides a weight loss effect.

Unloading day on buckwheat with milk

This variant of weight loss is suitable for those who normally take milk and do not cause diarrhea and other digestive disorders, although bloating and flatulence can not be avoided. Unloading day on buckwheat and milk assumes the use of cereals 6 times a day for 1 serving and 6 glasses of the product from under the cow. They can drink buckwheat or eat in between meals. Unloading on buckwheat with milk provides and the combination of these two products, when one is poured by another. Additionally it is allowed to drink plain water.

Unloading day on buckwheat and apples

More preferable option, because these fruits are best suited for unloading and even recommended in the composition of many curative programs for liver diseases. Those wishing to know how to spend a day on buckwheat, it is necessary to prepare the cereal in advance, divide the volume into 6 equal portions, and in breaks between the main meals there are apples, and in unlimited quantities. It is very important to adhere to the drinking regime by taking at least 2000 ml of plain clean water a day.

Unloading day on buckwheat and cottage cheese

This is the best alternative for those who do not tolerate milk, and does not like kefir. In addition, cottage cheese will provide an even greater sense of satiety and will contribute to the cause of losing weight. Unloading day on buckwheat for weight loss involves the use of this cereal and 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese, which also needs to be taken in fractional form. You can divide it into 5 receptions and mix with cereal or eat separately. If the resulting dish seems too dry and difficult to digest, you can pour a little unsweetened yogurt into it.

Unloading day on buckwheat and green tea

Groats in combination with this drink will have a powerful cleansing effect on the body. Unloading day for boiled buckwheat requires the use of only this cereal and green tea, the latter can be drunk in unlimited quantities. The total amount of buckwheat is divided into 6 receptions, and for each one you can eat no more than 200 g. The digestive system, freed from the need to digest a large amount of food, will rest, and the abundance of liquid will ensure the removal of slag-containing and toxic substances, accelerate metabolism.

Do not stand too busy and play sports on days of unloading, and massage, healing wraps, aromatherapy and a warm bath will only benefit. The goal is to give rest to the whole organism, so you have to plan these days for the weekend or try to reduce the usual activity to a minimum. There are no contraindications to such unloading days, even on the contrary. They exclude the failures characteristic of mono-diet. The only condition is their short duration.