Phytoestrogens with menopause

At the age of forty women start hormonal changes, as a result of which the thyroid gland, adrenal gland function is disrupted, genital organs diseases appear. This indicates the onset of menopause and the violation of the balance of estrogens in the body. To normalize women's health and general condition, many doctors prescribe synthetic estrogens. But such drugs are contraindicated when:

In addition to all of the above, synthetic estrogens can cause breast tumors. In order to avoid a variety of health problems, it is better to take natural estrogens with menopause.

Phytoestrogens - drugs with menopause

The use of vegetable estrogens with a climax has a positive effect on the female body, as these substances are very similar to female sex hormones. That is why such drugs are used to treat hormonal disorders of various origins, including those with menopause.

In nature, there are many plants rich in phytoestrogens. These hormones are divided into 4 categories: flavones; isoflavones; cumestans; lignans. Such elements are abundant in soy, flax seeds, cereals, cereals, legumes, hops, nuts, green leafy vegetables, carrots, apples, sunflower oil, garnets, alfalfa, clover and malt. At a menopause it is necessary to use more products from this list, but it is not necessary to overdo it.

Treatment of menopause with phytoestrogens is carried out gradually and helps easier to survive menopause and the onset of menopause. With a properly formed diet in adulthood, the skin ages more slowly, and the risk of osteoporosis decreases several times.

Plant phytoestrogens are also found in herbs, but their long-term use should be carried out under the strict supervision of the doctor and only on his recommendation and consent. In addition, in addition to artificial estrogen, it is necessary to stimulate the body to produce its own. To do this, you need to eat the liver, kidneys, seafood, sprouted wheat grains, potatoes and bran in the diet - these foods are rich in copper and zinc.

Estroel with menopause

For many women, life with menopause makes it easier to take Estrowl. This is due to the fact that this biological supplement contains a huge amount of isoflavones, which soften the symptoms of menopause and facilitate its course. But besides this substance in the preparation is:

With menopause, Estrowal pills help to keep a good mood and enjoy life even in such a difficult period. But before taking the drug should consult with a doctor!