Breast Fibroma

Unfortunately, the diagnosis of "breast fibroma" is familiar to many women not by hearsay. Because this pathology is often enough, and regardless of age category.

In medical practice, there are two types of breast fibroma - fibroadenoma (it is also called simply adenoma, which is not quite true, or adenofibroma) and fibroadenomatosis (fibromastopathy). However, it is worthwhile to distinguish these concepts, since they have fundamental differences.

Because fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm, it is a rounded dense knot and often does not have painful clinical manifestations. Determine the formation can be on preventive examination or self-examination.

While fibroadenomatosis is one of the forms of mastopathy, which is characterized by proliferation of connective tissue. It manifests itself in the form of painful sensations in the chest, coarsening and changes in shape, discharge from the nipples, etc.

Fibroma of the breast - treatment

Treatment of a localized form of fibroids, that is, fibroadenomas can be both conservative and surgical.

If the size of the tumor is small (up to 8 mm) and after a comprehensive survey has confirmed its benign nature, often the doctor prescribes a therapeutic course with the use of resorptive drugs.

In those cases where fibroadenoma reaches a large size, they resort to surgical intervention. In addition, indications for an operation to remove fibroids (fibroadenoma) of the breast can be:

Depending on the presence of suspicion of cancer, surgical treatment can be carried out by two methods:

  1. Sectoral resection. The method is applicable in those cases when the probability of oncology is not completely excluded. Therefore, the tumor is removed along with the nearby tissues.
  2. Enukleatsiya - the least traumatic operation, in the process of which only education is removed (hatching). As a rule, it is carried out under local anesthesia.

It should be noted that fibroadenoma is a relatively safe formation and does not tend to grow into cancer, except for the phyloid (leaf-like) form, which has a high incidence of malignancy.

In addition, the prognosis after surgical treatment of breast fibroma is favorable. However, even strict compliance with all prescriptions and recommendations after removal does not exclude the possibility of the appearance of new formations.

Prevention of fibroadenoma

Take preventive measures to prevent the development of fibroadenoma and fibro-mastopathy of the breast, it is quite difficult. Because as of today, the main causes of these violations have not been fully studied. It is known only that the first disposing factor is a hormonal imbalance. And:

In this connection, all girls who have reached sexual maturity should closely monitor the condition of their breasts:

If any seizures, soreness or discharge from the breast are detected, seek medical advice immediately.