How to draw Rosa Barboskina?

Do you like cartoons? Adults can be a bit taken aback by this question. Of course, in childhood all mothers and dads liked to watch prototypes of the animated series "Well, wait!" And "Prostokvashino" on TV. But the present generation of kids was lucky much more - colorful interesting and educational cartoons they are ready to watch at any time of the day, if their parents did not limit it.

Here, for example, "Barboskins." Parents can not understand - what is so exciting about this cartoon? But after watching with the children a couple of episodes, they themselves dream to see the sequel as soon as possible. Barboskins are similar to a human family with all adversities and joys, though not ordinary, but having many children, and this makes viewing even more interesting.

Perhaps the most popular heroine of the cartoon is Rosa Barboskina. She wants to look like a young fan, because she is the most fashionable and extravagant girl in school. This girl, like her peers, does not think herself without jewelry, cosmetics and fans.

Let's try to portray this popular heroine of the animated series, because not everyone knows how to correctly draw Rosa Barboskina, so she showed herself in all its glory not a piece of paper.

How to draw Rosa Barboskina in pencil step by step?

  1. So, we usually need a sheet of paper, eraser, a simple pencil and a good mood. First, draw the head of Rosa. It should be oval in shape; in order to determine the location of the eyes and spout, divide the face into four parts with light lines, which can then be removed without traces. The resulting two upper squares are about one and a half more than the bottom ones.
  2. Each next step of our master class is highlighted in red in order to see what action needs to be taken. On the horizontal line, draw the eyes, and on the vertical mouth and nose, after which these already unnecessary landmarks wipe. Please note that Rosa's eyes are rather large, and each line needs to be clearly drawn.
  3. Now it is the turn of our blonde hair. Gently wipe the upper part of the head with a rubber band and draw strands. Do not forget about the decoration - the bezel on the head of Rosa.
  4. Well, the main distinguishing feature of Roses is two large and magnificent tails on the head. One is located slightly higher than the other - but this is so conceived.
  5. The head is almost ready, now comes the crucial moment - we paint the torso. This can be difficult, especially for the inexperienced artist. Therefore, for this we use auxiliary thin lines, which are then easily erased. Draw the neck and outline the triangle in the shoulders and direction of the arms.
  6. Now, with neat, smooth lines, we draw a collar of a turtleneck - it will be tucked, because there will be several parallel lines. We depict the sleeves and the bottom of the sweater - everything you can erase is superfluous.
  7. Hands that are linked to the castle require care and accuracy, but in principle, there is nothing particularly difficult.
  8. What could be easier than drawing a skirt. She at the Fashionable fashion, so, short and wavy on edge.
  9. A little more effort and the drawing of Rosa Barboskina will be ready. It remains to draw the legs, which are separated by a strip - the bottom part, it's knee socks. Volumetric sneakers on a thick sole have tongues that stick out of them.
  10. That's what we got. Now, if you want, you can add a color background or some details of the interior. Drawing is best done with bright felt-tip pens or pencils. If you use paints, you need to be careful, giving each previous color a good dry out before applying the next.

Now you know how to gradually draw Rosa from Barboskin, and you might want to portray other members of this restless family.