Pots for cactus

Those who love to grow indoor plants know how difficult it is to pick pots for cacti . Products that are sold in stores are of inappropriate size. At the same time, the flowerpots are too large. It is the size of the pot that determines the amount of soil mixture, the volume of water, nutrients. Therefore, his selection is very important.

How to pick up a pot of the right size?

Thinking about what pots to plant cacti, you should consider the root system of the plant. In some species it can be long, in others it is rare and short. Therefore, picking up a new pot, pull out the cactus from the old one and inspect its roots.

If there is one pronounced root, then a long and narrow pot is obtained. Drainage do not exceed 2-3 cm. Do not take too bulky pots. Otherwise, free space will take up moisture. This will lead to rot of the root system.

When there are many roots, but they are short, they buy a wide, shallow pot. In the process of growth, such cacti give many children, so fill the area of ​​the container not in height, but in width. These are the main recommendations for solving the problem, what kind of pot is needed for cactus? Miniature pots have their advantages. They take up little space and are convenient for transportation. But, on the other hand, a tiny pot under the cactus will not provide the proper conditions for the development of the plant.

In order not to distract attention from plants, the pot is better to choose neutral shades. Its material is the individual choice of each florist.

If you pick up pots by size, then the composition of cactus in pots will become a real decoration of the house. It can be done by everyone. The main thing is to be patient and give vent to fantasy. Proper selection of pots will allow creating even multi-storey compositions.