Easter wreath

We have Easter wreaths not so popular as in the West, where on Easter almost every door is decorated with a wreath. But every year more and more of our compatriots are going to hang wreaths for Easter. That's why the question arises: how to make an Easter wreath with your own hands, because boasting the beautiful decoration of a house in front of acquaintances is much more pleasant when some elements are made with your own hands.

Method number 1

Suitable for those who unexpectedly discovered a large number of empty egg shells at home and an unnecessary boa made of light feathers. In addition, we will need a dye for eggs, hot glue and glue with glitter, acrylic paint for the color of feathers and a ring of foam plastic (wire or chipboard) for the base. By the way, empty eggshells can be replaced with eggs from polystyrene foam, but then they will need to be painted with acrylic paint.

  1. We color the shells with food coloring, following the instructions given on the package.
  2. We remove the colored shells from the water and let them dry.
  3. Acrylic paint the base for the wreath. If you took a wire, then the frame will need to be made wide, pasted with paper tape and also dyed.
  4. Dry dried shells are glued with glitter.
  5. We paste with the help of a glue gun to the dried basis, shells at a distance of 3-4 mm from each other. In this case, it is better to apply the adhesive on the substrate, so as not to break the shell.
  6. Between the glued eggshells let go boa and fix in several places with glue. If the boa was not found, then you can decorate the wreath with separate feathers and ribbons.
  7. To the finished Easter wreath we glue the loop from the tape, for which we will hang our product on the door.

Method number 2

This way of making an Easter wreath with your own hands will please those who have long been staring at the products made in the quilling technique. You will need cardboard, colored paper, quilling paper, scissors, a pencil, PVA glue and ornaments (ribbons, beads, sequins).

  1. Cut out the egg from the cardboard, for the template.
  2. Using the template, draw the base for the wreath on the cardboard and cut it out.
  3. We glue the base of the wreath with yellow or beige colored paper.
  4. When the substrate dries, we begin to decorate it using elements made of quilling paper.
  5. You can first prepare the elements, and then glue them to the base. To decorate a wreath, it will be enough to learn how to make droplets, curls, petals and chrysanthemums.
  6. Droplet - we twist a ring from the paper strip and just squeeze it from one side.

    Curl - we wind a strip of paper on the toothpicks, leaving a ponytail that is not curled.

    Petal - we fasten several curls among ourselves.

    Chrysanthemums - we cut strips of red color of the same length. We glue them crosswise, applying glue in the center of the strip. We make fringe on the ends of the strips, bend upwards - the bottom for the chrysanthemum turned out. We make the fringe from one side of the yellow strip and twist it on the toothpick. The yellow flower is glued to the red base - the chrysanthemum is ready.

  7. Now we fix the blanks on the basis with the help of glue and decorate the wreath with rhinestones and ribbons. Do not forget one of them to glue with a loop to suspend the wreath.

Method number 3

It will require cardboard, glue, plain light fabric, ribbons and various small items for decoration.

  1. We cut out from the cardboard 2 identical bases under the wreath and several (as you want to see on the wreath) templates of eggs of different sizes.
  2. We cut out of the fabric two circles according to the size of the base and the egg. Do not forget about the allowance of 1 cm.
  3. On the perimeter of each part we make notches and we cover the base and eggs with a cloth, fixing the material with glue.
  4. We fasten the two parts of the base (you can glue it, you can stitch it), untwisted sides inward, without forgetting to paste a hinge between them.
  5. We decorate the wreath, pasting (sewing) to it eggs, beads, beads, ribbons, flowers, etc.