What sorts of cucumbers are the most productive?

For those who grow cucumbers in their garden, the main criteria for selecting seeds vary. Someone wants to get vegetables as early as possible, others pay more attention to taste, and some people care how long the plant will bear fruit. But there is one requirement that combines the desires of gardeners - this is the yield of the variety. Let's talk in more detail about what sorts of cucumbers are the most productive and how to achieve the maximum number of fruits from one bed.

Differences between varieties

First of all, you need to decide for what purposes you are going to grow cucumbers. After all, only the fruit can seem to be the same in appearance, in fact, there are tangible differences between different varieties, which are expressed in the taste and predisposition of the variety to salting . Some varieties can be very tasty, but in the salting they soak and turn into porridge. Others, on the contrary, fresh do not represent anything special, and after salting they acquire an excellent taste. Therefore, varieties of cucumbers are distinguished for salted, salad, canned and universal. The latter may seem like an excellent option, as they can be eaten in any form, but they do, as a rule, give the least amount of fruits. Therefore, choosing fruitful varieties of cucumbers, decide first of all what flavor qualities you expect from them.

It should also be said about the differences between varieties intended for the greenhouse and for open ground . As a rule, the difference between them is expressed in finickyness to environmental conditions. Ground grades in comparison with greenhouse high yields do not differ. But they are easier to care for - they are more unpretentious to the conditions of the outside world. Cucumbers for the greenhouse are usually the most productive, and they can bear fruit in late autumn and early spring, but here the flavor qualities of the variety intended for the greenhouse often lose by growing in the open ground.

Also, it should be mentioned that choosing the most productive variety of cucumbers, it is necessary to pay attention to the number of female flowers. Thus, parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids with a female type of flowering bring the highest yield.

The most productive soil varieties of cucumbers

When choosing a variety for growing outdoors, the most important factor is the geographical position of the place where it is supposed to plant cucumbers. Very few varieties will equally well develop in the north and in the south. Therefore, when deciding which cucumbers to plant, always first and foremost pay attention to local varieties.

Here is the list of the most productive cucumbers for open ground:

  1. Nugget. This sort of cucumber is salad. Cultivation is possible both in the open ground and in the film shelter. Productivity of grade 10-12 kg per square. m. "Nugget" can be marinated, but not salted. Fruits are not the largest - up to 100 g. The bloom type is mixed, the variety is pollinated by bees.
  2. Forty F1. Fruits have a weight of 70 to 100 g. From a square meter, you can collect up to 12 kg of harvest.
  3. Swallow F1. The variety is intended for growing outdoors in the middle belt. If you plant it in the northern areas, it will affect for yield and fruit the variety will bring considerably less.

The most productive greenhouse varieties of cucumbers

List of the most productive cucumbers for greenhouses:

  1. Hercules F1. With proper care from one square meter, you can collect up to 28 kg of harvest. Fruits are average, about 160 g. The bloom type is mixed. Pollinated variety of bees.
  2. Zozulya F1. The variety begins to bear fruit very early and is one of the most productive.
  3. Crispina F1. The variety early starts to bear fruit. Cucumbers can be salted and marinated.