Prayer from infertility

Children are the joy and meaning of life for many of us. But, unfortunately, their welcome appearance in the family does not always happen. Often a man and a woman can not have children, no matter how hard they try. Such couples are treated by different doctors and try various methods for healing until they hear a disappointing diagnosis - infertility. The origin of it can be different. Quite often, there is psychological infertility .

The psychology of infertility is very complex. In this case, the causes of unhappiness are very different, in each case they are their own. In this article, we will talk about the prayer of infertility as a method of calm and humility with a diagnosis.

From the standpoint of the Orthodox Church, despair is the worst thing that can be. Any priest knows about miracles of healing from infertility, when many years of failure to have a child from a barren couple ended up with the birth of the first child. And, however, in most cases there is no reason to believe that the conception of an infant is completely hopeless. Life histories prove that infertility is not a verdict. Doctors believe that such examples are the result of hard work. And in the church environment such cases are treated as a miracle, which occurred thanks to the help of saints who help with infertility, for example:

Prayer-song to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Virgin Theotokos, rejoice, Graceful Mary, the Lord is with thee; thou art blessed in wives, and the fruit of thy womb is blessed, for thou hast born the Savior of our souls.

Help of the holy church

Talking with the servants of the church is a good psychological help for infertility. It is very important to come to inner peace and harmony, to accept the world as it is at the moment. Father can advise you to visit the holy springs of infertility, to take communion, to observe fasting. Thus, a person pacifies himself, calms down, expels negative thoughts and receives hope. There are also icons from infertility. Everyone knows that the idea is material. Therefore, you can try a plot from infertility. To do this, it is better not to address grandmothers-wizards, but to a familiar priest. Remember, only persistent treatment and a positive attitude, which is quite possible to get with the help of prayer, can overcome infertility in men and women.